One person’s journey through adolescence, adulthood, and into the afterlife with an ever-changing view equating to a perceptual understanding of reality itself, waves and particles colliding self and the collective whole. Left adhering to dogmatic scribes or tossing all existence out windows of time and space — remaining open to new possibilities and continuous shape-shifting self-realizing nothingness — divergent birthing forms.
We believe orange to be round and of the color it is named, but what if another sees it as green or something different in its entirety? How would we know the difference but trust interpretation to be blue? Measured not by the iris’ filtering of trusted, visible wave-like patterning existence but by self-interpretation of physical form and entangled particles making whole.
The learned illnesses of the world trapping us with the debilitating credo, dependent on another, forgotten divine presence of self-healing organism. Drifting a bit to reach a point, redirecting thoughts and quantum tunneling of photons into an interwoven web of possibility, we arrive at a constant even after death.
Conscious merging photons collide with particles left floating amidst the sea of blue, creating new biological particles acting as couriers with messages from ancestral bodies. Given birth to limited belief, a fusion of past-particles handed down by the mommas and papas, until one moves beyond physical form. OBE (Outer Body Experience), NDE (Near Death Experience), or astral traveling to uncharted territories, maybe a hallucinogen — what if this is reality?
Separating waves and particles, allowing viewer self-experiential quantum entanglement — mechanics of an observer without preconceived notions — physical reality altered by merely wishing something to be. Closely the scientists approach absolute, falling short of what may be bat-shit crazy is the tune we sing pulling every hair, yet nudging closer are the thoughts measured even after clinical death declaration.
Okay, Okay, I digress.
From the time we are born to supposed death, we are an ever-changing entity with new physical shape, cellular reconstruction, and psychological understandings rewriting our course. A completely new person within a year, every cell, every particle replaced by newly developed molecular milieu, infused with ingested beliefs that a Big Mac will be the death of us or inserted memory chip from outdated Texas Instruments.
Evidence, they want evidence!
Researchers are recording brainwave activity in the depths of a cranial corpse hours past declared body expiration. Distantly reaching beyond and further seeking answers of its remains. In another room, scientists measuring the weight of souls exiting the physical world quantified and recorded tipping scales on weights and measures of a soul.
Decays written law for all physical forms, death as certain as the sun rising in the morn, gradually deteriorating until that final day — soul’s fleeting leap, returning to whence it came, but returning to our understanding of what color is orange? Back into the cosmic soup of a gazillion particles, photons are acting like particles, fusing as one until human shape takes form invisible to tangible collective field and configuration.
From the dust we came to the dust we return, physical shape molded by greater hands, true essence remains. Infinite particles are admeasuring colliders replicating speeds, extending variance of self and collective whole, as holy as one.
~ Ani Po
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