Choosing Nothing
The art of doing nothing
I close my eyes — shutting out the world
briefly, turning off the chatter
collective chaos is stirring our internal pot.
Having nothing more to stay — wishing
no longer to write — merely observing
holding space for the next to arrive.
It is lonely here — family and friends
following the guidance of missing out
the mentality has gone awry.
We remain in this space — non-existent
to those outside our writing expanse
unable to see how we view the world.
Terrible and misleading — warm and inviting
dependent on how open our arms remain
in the sanctity of our presence.
Accusations flying — across the room
with our thoughts of being something greater —
yesterday’s shit-storm of cyclical human behavior.
Rewriting the wrongs — of our past
future hopes that all will be as written
in the stars for centuries before and yet to come.
I, we, they — persistent are they
embracing nothingness
and everything in between.
~Ani Po
The art of doing nothing, does not imply laziness and actually doing nothing. It is an invite to get into sacred space, whenever possible, holding the lines for other seekers to find what they desire.
On the surface, it appears that we are doing nothing, but we are continuously holding sacred space for those trapped in the chaotic world of ‘should’ and ‘have tos.’
There is nothing, we have to do in this world but return to this place of knowing that all exists in a single thought, multiplied by the billions of others trying to sort through their understanding of what needs to be done.
Personally I have beaten myself up, for years, over having to have a purpose. Only to find that my purpose was already there. Accepting who I am and the path traveled, I have found everything led to this moment in time. My hopes, is that others come to this place of knowing and understanding.
We all have traumas to sort through, triggers to learn from, much work to be done. Or not! Do nothing, but accept that all things have led to this place in time.
Thank you Diana C., Spyder, jules, Ravyne Hawke, and Marcus aka Gregory Maidman for the continued wisdom you share, sacred space you hold and for keeping this family focused on our innate ability of healing Thyself.
Thank you to the writers who share personal experience, with taking the necessary steps to well-being. Like Rabih for sharing her scary moments, Mira Khatib for sharing her steps along the way and Frank Ontario for his continued work in sharing our own abilities to heal self and others around us.
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