Time loop
The morning creeks and bumps, occasional pop, pop, pop of Elmer Fudds in the bay. Coffee in hand — watching the shapes zip by with headlamps on high. I hear the routine of morning drill — neighbor slamming door, turning of keys — locking door.
Beep, beep! The car alarm was deactivated. Slamming of another door as if the day before — car starts — idles bit a few — off she goes.
Wow, she is early — wanting to get an early start to her 7–7 p.m. shift. Back to reading — mediums morning offerings — as if any other day.
Another cup — arresting my attention to the ticking of father’s time — clock displaying.
Time loop present — usually in dream-like states — this time awake in the morning of the day. New experiences abound — a fusion of spirit-world — dream-like states, and the waking worlds of the present are we.
In a chapter where others — unable to see the weird as significant — left on deaf ears. Turning to words on a page — sharing a time loop of my waking world.
Veil thinning true — thoughts silencing tones — being ever-present are we. Time-sensitive yearning — seasonal essence ringing true — deepened contemplation — realities collided, creating a new reality not experienced before.
Not sure if this has happened to you before, but it is normal to have dreams that collide with waking moments. Having visions of future events, only to witness them upon awakening.
This past week was different, having witnessed a future event in the present waking state. Something new for me — has this ever happened to you?
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