About Joseph

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we are left to remain in the dark. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole. You are invited to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No, instead we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of divide and conquer, we shall come together as one. My intent is to share my thoughts in this blog, so that it provokes others into a self-discovery of themselves. While I have found happiness in my life, my hopes are to charge my viewers to see a different side to their current situation. It is said there is a spiritual solution to every opportunity, why not give it a try. I am a Father, Husband, Friend and Brother, a Healer, a Teacher, and a Student. Enjoy studying energy works, self-realization, Love in Action, and just the nuts and bolts of how things tick. Please feel free to look around and Share away! Much Love to you and Peace Profound...Joseph

Nourishing Spirit


Nourishing Spirit

It is so

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash


Voices of past
Glimpses of future

For a moment
Present day

Silence the mind
Still the body
Nourish thy spirit
It is So.


The feeling
Twisting soul

Stars alignment
Glistening hope
Endless opportunities

Attentive lips
Singing once again
It is So.


Inner workings

Wildly and free
Cleansing hands

It is So.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Reaching the Crossroads of Infinity

Poetry| life choices

Reaching the Crossroads of Infinity

Choosing directional pull

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

At the crossroads — yet again — sorting through the rubble. Brushing off the dirt — tainted sandaled feet — hoping for smoother ground.

Readied pounce — opportunities knocking louder than before — yet still a tethering to grounded floors. Waiting patiently — all systems go — like a rocket ship blasting to altered galaxies.

Bated breath — anxiety exchanging glimpses of weightless being — it is nearly time. Anticipation — childhood memories of the red, white, and blue flavor of bomb-pops delight.

Just the mere observation of events — years of pain lifting with an immediate breath — the time has come — realities are shifting. Listen to the body sing — effortless movement hitherto — confirmation received in releasing all there ever was.

Songbirds singing — praises for another day — echoing songs of past, present, and future more. Our days have passed — no longer bound to the songs of the fallen ones.

Breathing in the past — ancient ones forgotten tune — releasing one final breath. Breathing in the future — calling all angels — possibilities left at the crossroads of infinity.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Diana C., Spyder, Ravyne Hawke, and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash