About Joseph

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we are left to remain in the dark. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole. You are invited to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No, instead we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of divide and conquer, we shall come together as one. My intent is to share my thoughts in this blog, so that it provokes others into a self-discovery of themselves. While I have found happiness in my life, my hopes are to charge my viewers to see a different side to their current situation. It is said there is a spiritual solution to every opportunity, why not give it a try. I am a Father, Husband, Friend and Brother, a Healer, a Teacher, and a Student. Enjoy studying energy works, self-realization, Love in Action, and just the nuts and bolts of how things tick. Please feel free to look around and Share away! Much Love to you and Peace Profound...Joseph

Caught Between Two Worlds

Caught Between Two Worlds

Narrow road between flesh and spirit

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

With so many groups telling us which Way to go or how to live a peaceful life, it is easy to get confused or second-guess our belief systems. One group preaches theirs is the Way, while another wages war on the next because theirs is the Way. Anyone preaching other than Love is surely not The Way.

In each and everyone one of us, there is a void waiting to be filled.

Filling this void with Love, all other teachings fall short of what matters most…Love one another as you want to be Loved. With that, we visit our good friend Oljita, who learns firsthand that there are many pathways to Paradise. While many have valuable lessons along the Way, it is not the easiest path. The easiest to choose is often thought unrealistic.

Oljita Is visited by another messenger while driving to work…

Oljita notes a black cat on the opposite side of the median. As it scampers across the road, it stops at the boulevard and disappears briefly. Cautiously slowing down, watching other cars drive by where the cat was last seen.

Thinking he is in the clear, Oljita accelerates, but the cat appears. Dashing to the other side of the road, the cat stops just in front of his truck. When their eyes locked, Oljita found himself Shifting into another realm…Oljita shifts to his past.

He lands on the Pilgrim’s path. Very familiar to Oljita, he knows this path leads to Paradise through various trials and tribulations. Learning that a positive mind leads to positive thoughts leads to positive words and actions…ultimately leading to a positive being in Paradise. While a happy ending, this path leads our Pilgrim down a bumpy, windy road.

He has then shifted ahead in time to the path of Warrior. While the Pilgrim’s path leads to that of the Warrior, it is a bumpy transition. The Warrior’s path is not followed like the Pilgrim’s but merely accepted. The lesson: The Warrior’s path can be attained merely by accepting a path of Love.

Two paths, same outcome. One is long and windy, while the other is short and narrow. The short and narrow path is the thin line between both worlds: flesh and Spirit.

Oljita returned to his truck and immediately looked for the Black Cat…only to have vanished. Where did this messenger go?

While the messenger briefly appeared, the message became apparent: we needn’t do anything to enter Paradise. While one path leads down a bumpy, windy road, the other promises a short, narrow path. While there is a heavenly paradise beyond this realm, we can live in Paradise on Earth. Hell is not a destination but a state of mind. Same as for Heaven.
Change our ideas about this place we call Earth…and see Paradise.

Stepping into the Canvas, walking a Narrow path between flesh and Spirit. While the path is Narrow, the road is vast. In the vastness, we find our Way…we are balanced. The Way carries Love in our Hearts, and we instinctively walk in Spirit. To be In Spirit is to be inspired. To be inspired is to be inspiring. This is The Way.

~ Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

The Buffalo Greets Oljita

The Buffalo greets Oljita

Living in True Self

Photo by Andrew Sterling on Unsplash

Often we find ourselves unknowing of our heading, and that is ok. These are the moments when our dreams come alive. In our downtime, we contemplate our future, readjusting our footsteps as we advance. Feeling stuck or not knowing where to go may be time to retreat mentally.

Go somewhere without distractions and unplug from the mundane daily rituals. Maybe it is time to reinvent the self…

Oljita discovers this first-hand as he discovers seclusion in a nestled cabin within the woods.

At the beginning of his walk, still not knowing where he was going, darkness lay in front of him. He looks to his right…nothing. He looks to the left and is greeted by a Buffalo.

Welcoming Oljita, the buffalo signals Oljita to a path…a path leading into great darkness. He knows this is the path he must take…proceeding unafraid. Oljita understands the laws of the universe and knows that through the darkness, we find Light. Without hesitation, he welcomes the invitation and enters the path of darkness.

Feeling alone, Oljita realizes he must venture further into the darkness. This time the woods are silent, and his compass no longer works. Confused, with an edge of fear, Oljita is led further into the unknown.

Last time on an adventure such as this, Oljita was greeted by spirits walking in the flesh…this time…nothing.

This time, there is nothing but himself, alone with his thoughts and emotions. As he continues walking, Oljita’s eyes are caught by shadows. Shadows that instruct her to let go. Turning from left to right and right to left again, Oljita wonders what he sees in the woods. Oljita reminds himself to let go of his physical eyes and begins to feel a new sense of sight opening. He takes one step more and realizes what he feels…he is beginning to see.

What was once unknown became known to him. Oljita paused for a moment, with a knowledge of spirit being with him always. What Oljita once saw…no longer, and what was unseen…clarity and knowing.

Dissolving Oljita’s flesh, he enters the spirit world, greeted by others waiting for him. He would not have been able to see them before without first letting go of the physical presence within the physical world. As his flesh dissolved, Oljita is shown a whole new world. A new world that will light the way for many to come.

Reaching a desired spot, Oljita rests. He sits on a rock, closing his eyes and venturing into a dark tunnel. Before him is a lodge of great illumination…he enters the lodge. As he enters the lodge, Oljita is greeted by an eternal light. He embraces this Light, and the Light envelops Oljita…he becomes the Light.

Sitting quietly, with eyes closed, Oljita passes into another world through another darkened tunnel. Emerging from this tunnel, he is back in the physical world or what he thought to be the real world. Before Oljita declared his presence on this earth, he lived a life of fear, anger and misery. These emotions were his only reality. His reality could not change without first letting go of what he thought was real.

Dissolving his flesh, Oljita dissolves the world around him. As many will continue to live in this misconstrued reality, he will forever walk in Light. Emerging from the darkness, he embraces the Light.

Not knowing what was real or unreal, Oljita chooses to remain in Light. Seeing only good in darkened areas, he remains in Light. Whether going into darkness or traveling into the spirit world, Oljita remained true to his calling. He remains true to the spirit that guides him.

With a better understanding, Oljita realizes his world is whatever he sees it as. If he wants peace, he sees peace. If he wants to hate, he sees only hate. It is his choice to see whatever he wants in this world.

Fusing the spirit world with the physical world, Oljita understands there is a very thin line between the two. Going too far into the spirit world, he may get lost; going too far into the physical world, he gets lost; remaining on a thin line between both worlds, he finds totality.

For his entire life, Oljita sought things of material, just as the many pilgrims of today are convinced to do. Letting go of this belief system, walking forever in spirit, taking only what he needs.

Remaining in happiness.

Through eyes of spirit, Oljita creates the life he dreams of; through eyes of spirit, Oljita attains all he needs to live to the fullest. As he stands before self-realization, Oljita is greeted by a great spirit and knows he is home.

With his hair standing on end, flush feeling going through his entire body, Oljita communes to All There Is. It is not enough to walk within the Canvas but a necessity to embrace the whole Canvas without judgment.

No judgment, no pain, no fear, the Canvas displays brighter colors…brighter than ever before. Standing before the river of Love, he declares I AM here. He embodies the words, Ani Po, whether in the spiritual realm or the physical plane.

The night draws near, and Oljita still hungers. Hunger not for little morsels of nourishment, but hunger for mana. What we seek in this world is what we shall receive. Seeking more truth, receiving the eternal. Finding what we seek is where we shall be.

Stepping into the Canvas with new eyes and new vision. With eyes of spirit, we find new hope. Hope for a better way of life. Seeing with eyes of spirit, receiving our reward. If we continue to go through life’s motions, remaining where everyone else is. If we live according to our true selves, continually renewing our vision, remaining in spirit for all eternity.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Marilyn J Wolf, Viraji Ogodapola, and the whole Howling Owl community for keeping the flow of hooter’s quo.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash