About Joseph

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we are left to remain in the dark. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole. You are invited to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No, instead we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of divide and conquer, we shall come together as one. My intent is to share my thoughts in this blog, so that it provokes others into a self-discovery of themselves. While I have found happiness in my life, my hopes are to charge my viewers to see a different side to their current situation. It is said there is a spiritual solution to every opportunity, why not give it a try. I am a Father, Husband, Friend and Brother, a Healer, a Teacher, and a Student. Enjoy studying energy works, self-realization, Love in Action, and just the nuts and bolts of how things tick. Please feel free to look around and Share away! Much Love to you and Peace Profound...Joseph

Heart Centered

Heart Centered

We remain

Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

Into the void of all things
transpiring thought-telling tales
of the past and present participle
forming on the flesh of a spirited soul.

Beginning on the doorsteps
of ancient Egypt’s mysterious gilded
masking of yesterday’s guild
whose interest is limited by matters of the flesh-eating corpuscle.

Enters the venerable pious
Anglican influences destroying ritualistic
voodoo members of modern day
repeating the transmutation of yore.

Crazy to touch
first-glance lunacy of another hold
to heart’s present journey
losing of the mind’s outer brain reflecting the same.

Inward cavernous calls
of dragon’s breath
spewing timeworn fables
reaching deep into the core.

Similar as it was
remaining present for the day.

Multidimensional beings
connecting on levels beyond the recognizable
-the truth of who we were
and what may come.

Loop pedal activated
we return.
Heart’s center
we remain.

~Ani Po

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Marilyn J Wolf, Viraji Ogodapola, and the whole Howling Owl community for keeping the flow of hooter’s quo.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

The Big Show

The Big Show

Dance for today, dancing for all eternity

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

The big show arrives once a year — like jolly Saint Nick and his little elves preparing to spread cheer. In a blink — like a flash of light dissipating into the shadows of sulking sun’s misspoken truth’s despairing awkwardly into oblivion and grief-stricken tune.

We remain onward to the next — grasping for straws and holding the lines of unspoken valor — Cupid’s arrows misfiring onto the collective. Sharpened claws — extorting realities on one reservation of the night.

The magic falls to the wayside — while the others lose hope — Little Cherub carrying Cupid’s name — aims with bullseye every mark. Target engaged — heartfelt melting tune in a single draw of his tiny bow.

While the big dance — big show moving out of town — settles for another day, Cupid’s arrows begin firing at will for the other three hundred and sixty-four. Holding sacred space — little Cherub warming by the fire — the elder’s smile in admiration, replenishing the cup — where all life begins.

Dance for this day brings forth a sacred song — buried deep for all to recover. Dance for all eternity — found on one day, lasting a lifetime if sight has given — a chance to open heart’s true home.

~Ani Po

Late entry or deliberate pause of entering true? Sitting on these thoughts or life unexpectedly pulling me elsewhere to be free? Matters not for this day or the next, but what may come to pass free-fold arrows piercing song onto the next.

Thank you Marilyn Glover and The whole Third-Eye-Gypsy family for sharing this space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash