About Joseph

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we are left to remain in the dark. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole. You are invited to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No, instead we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of divide and conquer, we shall come together as one. My intent is to share my thoughts in this blog, so that it provokes others into a self-discovery of themselves. While I have found happiness in my life, my hopes are to charge my viewers to see a different side to their current situation. It is said there is a spiritual solution to every opportunity, why not give it a try. I am a Father, Husband, Friend and Brother, a Healer, a Teacher, and a Student. Enjoy studying energy works, self-realization, Love in Action, and just the nuts and bolts of how things tick. Please feel free to look around and Share away! Much Love to you and Peace Profound...Joseph

Singing Medicine of the Owl

Singing Medicine of the Owl

We remember

Photo by Luigi Manga on Unsplash

This morning’s conversation with two owls. One of the wisest and one of a playful sort. We spoke for a few, and they gifted me a song. Singing medicine of the owl…it just flowed.

Singing to my two friends, both flying overhead in thanks.

Morning coffee was hearing two sides of our Universal Love and allowing it All to be heard.

Non-attached…just bearing witness.

Sharing this medicine as we move forward…this is my gift to you. We remember. Bo Shnee ta Way (language from my heart to yours, meaning “giving thanks for all there is”).

Quietly amid the morning frost
listening and glistening for thoughts
transparent tune
Black gold’s truth serum’s flow
as my heart yearns for a kind stamp.

Through the shadowy doubts
into the spotlight, showing the way
sings my soul bi-tonal beats
restless to peaceful restfulness
I Am Here.

~Ani Po

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Viraji Ogodapola, Marilyn J Wolf and the whole Howling Owl community for keeping the flow of hooter’s flow.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Kissing the Canvas Floor

Kissing the Canvas Floor

My heart steps

Photo by Brian Mann on Unsplash

Traveling the world
Seeking beauty amidst the Canvas
Checking off
Checking in
Waiting for the next item on the list
Black Sea to the Mediterranean
Down under to Icelandic shores
Travel the globe twice, maybe thrice, as it be
Yet distance to the heart
Longer than it seems
Filling gaps in thought
Filling holes in being
Where does thou want to Step?
Hang on to memories
Those of night
Bright as the day
My heart Steps
Kissing the Canvas floor
Exuberance in every footprint
Traveling the globe a thousand times
Returning to the favored spot
I Am Here.

~Ani Po

Thank you Filza Chaudhry and Heart Revolution for housing this space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash