About Joseph

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we are left to remain in the dark. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole. You are invited to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No, instead we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of divide and conquer, we shall come together as one. My intent is to share my thoughts in this blog, so that it provokes others into a self-discovery of themselves. While I have found happiness in my life, my hopes are to charge my viewers to see a different side to their current situation. It is said there is a spiritual solution to every opportunity, why not give it a try. I am a Father, Husband, Friend and Brother, a Healer, a Teacher, and a Student. Enjoy studying energy works, self-realization, Love in Action, and just the nuts and bolts of how things tick. Please feel free to look around and Share away! Much Love to you and Peace Profound...Joseph

In Between Songs

In Between Songs

Anticipating coming fields

Photo by Tony Sebastian on Unsplash

In between songs
with anticipation of coming fields,
step-up — into the earthly plain,
exciting and reciting fervor and joy.

Heart cracked open,
like an oozing volcano
waiting to erupt.

Calmly returning
to a translated speech
from cosmos
vibrational existence
as it should be.

The story of mo and maybe fo,
birthing from an acorns nut
buzzing bees
pollinating seed.

Tuning in ‘e’ or was it ‘g?’
upside-down music,
transcribed for another time,
not yet played
in this chaotic world.

Favorite libation
raising glass high
singing out loud
casting shadows abaft
Mofo bros. holding a thematic dream.

Time for morning sun
answered tune
deeper the dig
excavating songs
ancient healing

Go about the day to day
executing songs
certitude functionality
servile and obsequious
familiar to the all in all.

Favorite libation
raising glass high
singing out loud
casting shadows abaft
Mofo bros. holding a thematic dream.

~Ani Po

Inspired by a recent request to write a song for the MoFo Bros., my mind spins words and songs from the collective whole. Expanding reach, further than comfort zone, I call to the spirits of all there is — asking for healing songs to flow freely through.

With loop pedal pressed, Fritz and the Tantrums playing Spaceman snappy tune, allowing words to enter the page.

Thank you Literary Impulse for hosting these words, Priyanka Srivastava, Somsubhra Banerjee, Nachi Keta, Elisabeth Khan and all of the editing staff for considering this heart-felt lyrical song translated into words.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Carried Charge of How to Write One Song

Carried Charge of How to Write One Song

Seasoned musician echoing request

Image taken by author

Who am I to think
— singer-songwriter
dropping healing beats
having to translate
vibratory sounds
— birthing from sacred songs
charged by a request
for something spiritual?

From a messenger unaware of carried charge — how to write one song — gifted energy of something yielding greater returns by a seasoned musician requesting a personal touch to an already intense set of collective beats. I am left wondering why me?

Still working
on perfecting
— written words
untranslated from open skies
to heartfelt knowing
all that was ever
authored — recorded tracks
— hanging out at the barricaded mind
fear of self-expressing
penning my own
translating into something greater.

World’s expansive sounds — unfolding laundries of tainted — soiled heartbeats riddled by Ritalin’s potential echoing submissive song — pausing to gather the fabric to weave a sacred tune. Interlaced with wounds self-inflicting repeating tales — caught up in self-talk and self-denial — gratitude paints a different canvas within my soul.

Accepting this call
— forgotten words
bi-tonal exhausted
— throat-singing taking
seat in the back
to something
heartfelt, changing
outlooks and outcomes
— forward leading
— driver’s seat
buckled in for journeys unknown.

~ Ani Po

A crazy taste of reality, this song pairs nicely with the message carried tune. Please listen and ponder the song and the personal written words on this page.

Thank you J.D. Harms and the whole Scrittura family, for the prompting of digging deeper into inner-understandings of self and expressing these words.

The above image does not match the words on this page but is worthy of a similar thought when standing at the top of a mountain in Tipon, overlooking the Garden of Wirachocha. While pondering a recent request for writing a new song for the Mofo Bros, a family approached, playing the mandolin and singing a heartfelt song. Joining in dance with strangers, becoming familiar and familial with another, I knew at that moment to challenge myself once again and write a song. Song to come, not yet translated into words, but as I know with writing poetry, it forms when it is time to release.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash