Truthfully, we do not need to do anything to be happy…as happiness is a state of being. However…to be happy and live the life we have always dreamed of, we must activate the spirit. Activating the spirit, we implore a mighty technology…a technology based on Love. With guidance from spirit, we apply our goals.
Ani Po is familiar with this process as she often makes her own goals, committing to her dreams and activating them into reality. Without goals her dreams would only be a dream; With goals, they move forward into reality.
Recently Ani Po overheard a conversation between two pilgrims. One asking the other for advice. Not liking what the other pilgrim had to say, the first pilgrim storms off. Ani Po smiles as she has witnessed this before, knowing that humans often hear only what they want to hear and fail to hear honest feedback offered by another. With positive criticism, humans often fail to hear the message. Ani Po, listens attentively and smiles as she hears a positive message charging another pilgrim with owning his work.
The key to reality, is seeing it, believing it and owning it as our own. As we claim our dreams as our own, we assert that our reality will be so. If not…again…it remains only a dream.
1. Dreams
2. Writing them down
3. Taking action
4. tell nobody
5. Owning your reality
1. Dreams. Everything begins with a thought or a dream. What begins them to manifest into our lives? Often times it is our own actions. However…it is often times without our own actions, but accompanied by a universal force that delivers an end result every time. The key is the dream, seeing it to be true and then knowing that it is on its way.
2. Writing them down. To confirm any objective or goal in life, we must commit ourselves to that which we desire most. Writing these goals down, placing them in plain view, we are re-programmed to see it and live it every day, assuring us that it truly is on its way.
3. Taking Action. Once we have our dreams and our goals written down, we must take necessary actions, aligning ourselves with these goals. Maybe it is building new team building circles, friends circles, or inspirational group circles. Whatever the case, without preparing the fields for a healthy harvest, how will the farmer prepare for when it comes to fruition? Take action.
4. Tell Nobody. This step is critical! It is often stated that a scientist can alter his own experiment by the mere watching of things. This is not reserved for merely the scientist, but the surrounding groups. If we tell other people our plans or goals, they instinctively will give their opinion…and we run the risk of altering our goals, by the mere interjection of the other opinions. Just the mere observation of the experiment (by the self or another), can change the whole outcome.
5. Owning Your New Reality. This final step is when we know we have arrived. Does a swimmer say, “I try to swim?” No. He or she is either a swimmer or not a swimmer. The key to achieving our goals is the ownership of our work. For me it means saying, “I am a writer.” Whether my work is good or not, I cannot achieve the greatness I aspire without owning who I am. The key ingredient to anything in life is the simple phrase…I Am That.
Stepping into the Canvas with Aspiration. With every dream, we have action; every action, we have a dream. As we dance to the beautiful tune of inspiration, we apply this wisdom of achieving our goals. Without goals our dreams would remain in bed as we sleep. Committing to goals…we fuel the dreams into reality, seeing it, believing, knowing it to be true with a self-realization of…I Am That, I Am.
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