Ani Po

Beautiful Spirit,





See all as divine,

Purposeful realities.

Thousands unfold,

Thousands more.

In a single acorn,

Single drop,

All is present.

Look deeper,

Into nature,

Observe the self.

All seen,

Is unseen.

All that is in outer realms,

Exist in the nucleus of being.



I Am here.

~Ani Po

Sharing the Sunrise of Our Hearts

May the sun rise within the heart,

Blanketed by clouds of warmth.

With showers of joy,

No longer afraid of the storms.

Rainbows promise,

Peace within our days.

The great divide,

Made whole once more.

We are the shift-changers,

Restoring balance all around.

We sit quietly,

Rise up as needed.

Gracefully moving forward,

Sharing the Sun-Rise of our Hearts.

~Ani Po