Filled Again

Shot for the moon,

Sitting amongst stars.

Hanging with brother and sister,




Stepping in,

Stepping out,

No need to rush.

All will be as it was in the beginning,

Until the end.

Come sit with me,

Laugh with me,

Sing with me and dance with me…let us see.

Take my hand,

Hold me near.

Fly with me,

Embracing fear.

We shall be cracked open,

Emptied and hollowed.

Filled again,

With endless love.

A thousand voices,

A thousand more.

Talking and chatter,

Mastery of sorts.



Now we are in control.

Ha! More illusion…laughing all the more.

Forever emptied and hollowed,

Filled again.

~Ani Po


Just Being

Oh to catch a glimpse

Of what may come.

Just a tease

Mother Nature hath done.

For a brief moment

There is a wish of buds.

Too soon


For it will come.

Oh the blustery chill

Extending to the bone.


Giving warmth for soon it shall be.

Amidst the chaotic storms

We shall remain still.

Just being


All in universal timing.

~Ani Po