So Many Questions Within the Canvas

What is one thing we need to do?


What about self?

Own it

What do we own?


Who are we?

Divine beings

Divine beings of what?

All there is

What about all the despair in the world?

Divine dichotomies

Why some many questions then?


What to do then?

Feed our desires and own curiosity

What of the consequences?


How is it an illusion?

Everything is as it is supposed to be

How so?

Ebb and flow like the tides, worlds are created…new galaxies formed everyday…we need only…be.

Own it. Just Be…Ani Po



Plucking Stars of New Reality

Plucking stars,

Giving new thought.

Sitting in nothingness,

Allowing what will be to be.

Gaze once more,

New thought entering my galaxy.

Comforted by nothingness,

Rewarding as much.

Gazing once more…

Plucking stars of new reality.~Ani Po