Finding Balance

Finding balance amidst chaos of our days.~Ani Po

Someone stopped me last week, asking if it was possible to find peace when chaos is all around. I did not give her any advice, but offered more questions to ponder. Do we have a choice to respond or how we feel during these situations? Can we merely observe…allowing chaos to continue whilst smiling at atrocities of such events? Can we find beauty in such events, for they remain apart of us and we in they?

In any given moment we can find ourselves at a tipping point: too much energy given to chaos…scale tips and balance is lost; too much energy to being a bright light…scale tips and balance is lost. Best to remain unmoved by such chaotic events, smiling and laughing as to it no longer having a strangle hold on our realities…


Pure Power

Oh the crackling of your kindled soul,

Breath of warmth…kisses my frontal lobe.

Crickets sound,

For silence and crackling more.

Bliss, boredom, monkey mind ebbs and flows.

Sit just once more, smile in gratitude for ‘all there is’ has returned.

Once void…filled to the rim.

Oh the crackling of your kindled soul,

Blowing back kisses in return.

Stepping into the Canvas in pure power. Sitting long enough, restoring a mighty fire burning within…ignited and power flows freely…cleansing everything in its wake…Ani Po