Pure Power

Oh the crackling of your kindled soul,

Breath of warmth…kisses my frontal lobe.

Crickets sound,

For silence and crackling more.

Bliss, boredom, monkey mind ebbs and flows.

Sit just once more, smile in gratitude for ‘all there is’ has returned.

Once void…filled to the rim.

Oh the crackling of your kindled soul,

Blowing back kisses in return.

Stepping into the Canvas in pure power. Sitting long enough, restoring a mighty fire burning within…ignited and power flows freely…cleansing everything in its wake…Ani Po

Finding Sacred Space

Sacred space present wherever we are.~Ani Po

A man searches the world over for sacred space, only to have found it already under his feet. Seeing pain and suffering, clouded by judgment and/or hatred…overlooking sacred space afoot.

Holding his own…for self, family and community…sacred space grows in peace and love. With every step the sacred grows. Acknowledging pain and suffering, seeing natural beauty all around…it is so.

Kissing Mother with peace and love…each step in sacred gifting of selfless fashioning…It Is So…we are dancing on sacred ground.