Beyond my Comfort Zone

Beyond my Comfort Zone

Sitting idle or daring to enter the excitement of what may be

Permission granted by MoFo Bros for use

In the coming week, I will be performing with the MoFo Bros. A local Milwaukee Band comprises two long-time friends who love sharing their music. For over 44 years of sharing music with various bands, coming together as a two-person band playing the sounds of a ten-piece band.
Last year, I was invited to sit in with practices…that is when things began to move my spirit. At first, I quietly sang undertones throughout the jam session, then invited to share a little more of what came through.

Knowing where the extra sounds were coming from, one band member encouraged me to share more music from my heart. For many months, the other, not knowing where the sounds were coming from, adjusted the band room, noticing my singing in the background. “I think we need to get our backup singers a mic!”

Now with a mic, the jam sessions increased with intensity. Fusing their originals, a couple of cover tunes and a composition by me, with throat-singing, bi-tonal sounds coming from the stars, the three of us, like little kids, began jamming as no tomorrow has ever seen.

The band asked me to join in performing out, so it gave birth to MoFo Joe performing with the MoFo Bros. Hesitant at first about what people might think. I stepped into the unknown, agreeing to perform with the MoFo Bros.
My comfort zone is being stretched, not knowing what or how the crowd will receive an addition of throat-singing and bit-tonal sounds to the amazing sounds of the MoFo Bros, but we will not know unless I step into the possibility of something greater.

Regardless of the reception, my heart is happy when dropping sounds for the group and the creative space opened for all of us is beyond measure.
I thank the Universe for this opportunity and the MoFo Bros for inviting me in. Our first live gig will be in Florence County, celebrating the 101-year celebration of the Town of Florence on Highway 101. Like a little child, anticipation fills my spirit (with a hint of non-attachment).

If you are in the area of Florence Wisconsin, please come out on August 5, 2022 for a day long festival of music and fun! MoFo Bros. headline at 7pm.

Thank you Diana C., jules, Ravyne Hawke, Spyder and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding such sacred space for all.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Chapter Eleven: A Work in Progress