Finding Inner Peace


Finding Inner Peace

Defining Our Canvas

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Yesterday, I went to visit an old friend. It is strange because I have not seen him in twenty-eight years. I say “it is strange” loosely, as I know nothing is a mistake. So why did I visit him? It happened because I merely heard a voice whispering his name.

After hearing his name, all sorts of memories came forward. As joy and sadness assist recalling these stories, I immediately found myself in a healing circle. In healing circles or talking circles, it is a sacred moment where we share our deepest thoughts to whatever we are called to discuss. Often happens in a group setting. These memories did just that, and I had my own personal talking circle with others who are thought to be of spirit.

Having the afternoon off, I thought, “If he has time, I will give him a call.” So I did. Hey Bob, this is Joe…got a minute? “Joe?! From my childhood Joe?!” Yes, that Joe. “Dude, how the Hell are you?”

We talked for a little bit, and he invited me into his place of work for a chat. Now my head-mind is trying to figure out the ‘why,’ as I drove to his shop. He is a master painter who creates masterpieces for others. Sharing his gift, he is helping others find their happiness.

So I found his place of business, as I knew the neighborhood very well. It’s in the neighborhood we both grew up in. As we met each other on the street, he asked, “so what made you call?” I am not sure, but there is always a reason from my experience. “That is just too weird…not more than five minutes before you called, I was thinking about you.”

We entered his paint shop.

As we reminisce about our past, he excitedly shows me the process of his work. “I am not a fast-food restaurant, and my work often takes months for one project to complete. Like life, my work is a process that goes unrushed. We shouldn’t rush it.” I bet customers get antsy? “They do, but I remind them the work I do is a symbol of their life moving forward. Have patience, take time to enjoy that which you already have and for goodness sake, stop being in such a rush!”

Hearing him speak of his passion for creating works of art excited me, although I still am unaware of why we were to connect after all this time.

Will I see him again? Will we talk about re-creating more of the Canvas of Life? I am not sure what time will bring of this moment, but I am waking this morning with a bit more understanding of why I called him.

I woke from a dream filled with old acquaintances from childhood. At first, they were strangers challenging my authenticity, but then they became acquaintances whom I rode the school bus within High School. Have you ever had a dream where one scene was of one group of people, the next scene filled with familiar faces? Next, we were at a dinner party and ‘the others’ talked about things while challenging who I was and where I was going. I also recall being lucid in my dream and thinking, “this is why I called Bob! So that I can spark old memories and retrace my steps as to who I am and further pave who I am becoming.”

I know I have written about this before, as to retracing our steps or recalling our past life. As we retrace our steps, we ultimately recreate our future simultaneously. The whole purpose of talking circles is the same. So in my single encounter with an old friend, my past came forward, and the future was redefined. In a single encounter, I walked into the past and future simultaneously, unknowingly at the time…only to repaint a brighter future. Thanks, Bob!

After recalling the first dream, I immediately recalled another. However, I am not sure if this dream happened during nighttime or in the daytime (I often call this the real world, although I am not sure what is real anymore…Laughing at self).

This dream was about finding balance in self.

All I can remember is a scene of what appeared to be a commercial on television. I was sitting in a friend’s living room when a commercial came on about ‘receiving.’ To remain happy, we are to give. It is our life’s purpose. Finding the balance between giving and receiving is the key to this lesson. If all we do is receive without giving…then we remain unbalanced, failing to follow natural laws of the universe…ebb and flow, give and take, etc.

While the second recall happened first, it carried into the second dream of meeting old acquaintances.

I love my dreams!

As I sit at my desk recalling these dreams, I remember yesterday’s conversations. Often for me, not sure if it happens for you, my daytime leads into the nighttime, creating a new reality in the dream world…allowing me to recall my life story. In recalling, I can re-create the scenery and the future.

A conversation or meeting with an old friend creates thoughts of a specific time and place, allowing more healing to take place. A later conversation, with another friend, about finding purpose and balance through asking Creator to show the way humbly…well, I think that led to the first dream about giving and receiving. As the dream world comes to life, I am in awe, outlining the past and redefining the future in a single stroke of my fingers as the words are typed upon this screen.

So back and forth, I go in my thoughts. My life, past and future…what lay in store for the Canvas of Life, what lay in store for Stepping into the Canvas? I am not certain, but the re-write has begun, and the definitions of life are about to be written.

As I recall my story, I hope that you recall your own. Relive the past, recreate the present and future. It is my hope these words reach those who need them most. I hope that Stepping into the Canvas defines the steps we take daily: filling our days with purpose, infusing our steps with love. As we consciously move forward, taking note of the birds singing our song, the trees dancing in the wind or the skies changing from night to day…we are a part of the Great Canvas, and we contribute daily. What is your contribution for the day?

Stepping into the Canvas defining the Canvas, defining our own…

Spiritual Exercise: Finding Inner Peace

Clearing our conscience

Gaining clarity often means reliving past encounters looking for corrections or acceptance in any situation. With attached emotions to the past, we trigger events that may or may not trigger our physical pains of today. Asking for forgiveness can be as simple as asking the self for forgiveness but may require to call upon the past to relive it and ask the afflicted parties or those causing the pain.

To forgive self requires, or doesn’t require, a shift in consciousness and holding space for awareness of the pain that remains. Revisiting pain, we allow ourselves to open wounds that hold our physical pains in slumber. Reflecting and realizing that our present-day and who we are, is a result of the past experiences…whether painful or joyous, they have created the fire that burns within…allowing more desire for happiness to present itself. I am safe and free; I am strong because of my past experiences. No matter that past, the future is brighter because of those experiences. I am grateful.

If the pain remains, call upon the scene that inflicted the pain. Call the party involved or write a private letter. Whether actually delivering or burning the pain away through the sacred fire, it is releasing the pain that remains. There is freedom in asking for forgiveness. In asking, we are receiving.

We are the master painter, the master writer of this Canvas of Life.

When asking for forgiveness, we are healing a broken part of our being, a wound, if you will. In forgiving, we are blessing that portion of the pain that remains. Blessing this area of suffering, we are blessing and healing all involved.

Begin Searching

We have discussed taking the first steps into happiness. Now it is time to take the next. Through our desires, we continue to search for that blissful happiness. Through creating habits for personal happiness, we arrive each new day in a place of being and clarity: clarity of self and conditions which no longer pull our strings. We are cutting these strings one by one, literally and metaphorically!

Imagine now that we are a marionette: We have strings attached to our hands, controlling our every move; Strings to our feet causing us to go where we have been told to go; finally, strings connected to our heads, as if controlling our thoughts. The puppet master is the conditioned response or societal beliefs that we have adapted for our entire lives…time to cut these strings, freeing self from past beliefs. See the strings and imagine one by one we are cutting them. Sit with this for a moment…how does it feel? Is there a sense of freedom? Liberation?

Now it is time to seek that which is missing in our lives.Laughing at ourselves, we realize nothing is missing…we forget. This will come with practice. Keep seeking happiness and apply simple steps , we are activating a part of our brain that is not afraid to seek outside the box that we once dwell. It is through our hearts we enter the key to paradise.

Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto thee. Matthew 7:7

Finding It…now what?

This place of knowing comes with feelings of bliss, peace and overwhelming joy. For no apparent reason, our steps are lighter, happier and the Canvas of Life appears to be more vibrant with color. When we arrive at this place, it is common for the head-mind to question “Now What?”

A Zen Master was approached by a disciple, “Master, what do we do when we reach enlightenment?” To which the master answered,

“Chop Wood, Carry Water.”

With each discovery of self or ‘aha’ moments, we come to a deeper level of knowing self and how universal laws coexist in our thoughts and being. We do not reach enlightenment. We remember that we are already enlightened beings. The past conditioning has fallen to the curb, and ideals for a brighter future remain.

We set out for deeper understanding as we return to our days’ work or self-practice. Truthfully, there is nothing to be done…but then again, “How is remaining where we are currently working out for us?”

With each step and ‘now what’ experiences, we celebrate, giving thanks for the lessons at hand. We seek further understanding, and undoubtedly the answers shall arrive. It is through our undoubted faith that we find our truths. Don’t feel the faith…practice this…

Start each morning with, “I know my day is filled with so many challenges, but I will turn my attention to the things that bring me joy and gratitude. I rejoice for those events or things that take me away from joy and gratitude as I no longer wish to be ruled by those strings of attachment. I am free.”

Start with the intention of the day and throughout the day check-in with self. “How am I feeling? Am I free of the pain and suffering around me?” Then reset the next day, check-in and repeat this step. Do this for twenty-one days…this will create a new habit of happiness.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Cosmic Dance: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight: Cosmic Dance

Stepping into the Extraordinary

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

With each new day, we choose to live as authentically as possible, ignoring old beliefs. Stepping into the new, creating a life we were meant to enjoy and accepting beliefs of a new era.

The first step towards happiness is often the most difficult, for we cannot let go of our old beliefs. Let’s go now…witness the shift towards happiness. Once the first step is taken, the taste of freedom shall be ours, and we will not go back to the way we were. The next step towards happiness is easier, the next even easier…and so on.

With a new outlook on life, everything will taste sweeter, smell better, and feel freer than ever before. Listen to the voice within…it says, “Now is the Time.” Take a step towards happiness and one day declare “Ani Po.”

(*Ani Po is Hebrew for “I Am Here”)

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life. It is said that God is the Creator and nature is the Canvas. While remaining in darkness in a world of technologies, distractions, and light-speed evolution, Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole.

This chapter is an invitation to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No. Instead, we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of dividing and conquering, we shall come together as One.

It is time to choose:

· Stay in misery or choose a path of happiness.

· Listen to the voice within or listen to the others without.

· Move towards an active side of infinity or stay on the inactive list.

· Accept positivity or remain in negative beliefs.

· Everything is merely a choice, and every choice needs action.

Imagine, for a moment, that Creator has given you a clean Canvas to paint whatever you desire. What would be on this painting? This is your opportunity to paint The Best You Now…grab the brush and start painting already. You know what you want!

If you can think of it, you can create it. If you can create it, you can paint it. If you can paint it, your dreams will come true. If you make a mistake on this Canvas, allow yourself to paint over or scrape away the excess. The only rule of painting is to apply your whole Heart and Soul when approaching the Canvas of Life. Applying this simple rule…dormant forces shall come alive.

Stepping into the Canvas as a Work in Progress, allowing colors to be misused, strokes unorthodox, and an occasional redo to take place. The Canvas of Life teaches us we are not perfect, and in our imperfections, we are. We are presented with a new opportunity to make it right with every mistake. Master the painting, master the self.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Clearing the Canvas

With each new day comes an opportunity for letting go, allowing room for a brighter future. Whatever baggage we carry shall keep us from enjoying the freedom of No Baggage. With more baggage comes more clutter in the Canvas of Life.

Letting go of baggage requires wiping our Canvas clean and beginning anew. With each new day another opportunity, so shall it be. What a great time to plan… the time is now.

The Now presents a perfect time for evaluating the mind or body and equally exercising Spirit. Along with our regular goals, it is a good time to re-evaluate the spiritual path at the start of each new day. Not meaning we become spiritual, judging more of ‘the others’ because they have not taken this same path we have chosen. No…it means we see with eyes of Spirit versus eyes of flesh; from finite to infinite, human to divine all around us. Are you still clinging on to past beliefs of anger, fear or anything related to negativity? If so, the chances are that your goals will be self-sabotaged anyways. Time to clean house!

Taking personal inventory of life:

• Forgive oneself for past behaviors.

• Ask others for forgiveness.

• Stop trying to figure things out.

• Follow gut feelings always.

• Center oneself in the heart of Compassion.

The last of these is crucial as it will aid the other four. When we center ourselves with Heart of Compassion, everything begins aligning with source energy. We vibrate naturally at levels of Love: eliminating all self-defeating beliefs; letting go of pent-up regret; following, effortlessly, our dreams; flowing peacefully as that of a river; finally seeing our Brothers and Sisters as One.

We can exercise our mind and body as much as possible, but an emptiness remains without faith. Our mind allows us to think, our body that clears the way, but it is Spirit that drives us effortlessly along the journey of life. The weaker the Spirit, the more difficult our journey; the stronger the Spirit, the gentler it becomes.

When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate, meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. When one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy, and before too long, they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle. ~Christine Mason Miller

While the pilgrim chooses to paint over the Canvas of Life, masking His past expression of life, the Warrior wipes the Canvas clean, allowing a new perspective on life to present itself in Her painting.

We often worry about cleaning another person’s home, when our own dwelling needs attention. What good is cleaning another, when ours remains neglected? ~Muhamad Yusef

Stepping into the Canvas with a Clean Canvas, clearing thoughts of doubt, anger or fear; Centering on faith, everything returns to the way it was before ‘the beginning’…allowing us to declare, “All is Good.”

Photo by Bianca Ackermann on Unsplash

Falling into the Canvas

It is not enough to take part in the Canvas of Life, but more important to fall into the canvas with whole heart and soul. What does it mean to fall into the canvas? It means not just stepping into the canvas while actively participating in it, but being an active participant with the continuous intention of actively participating in the canvas AND creating a life most Desired while enjoying every aspect of the canvas.

From darkened clouds painted on canvas to neon fluorescent and radiating colors, we create lives as we choose, not as others choose. Whenever a painter paints, it is through personal interpretation of the Universe, but when others analyze Her work, they attach their interpretation.

If we only see one side of the painting, we miss the Creator’s intent. See the beauty of all varying colors/varying interpretations and lose yourself in the many mysteries that lay before you within the canvas.

Where does one begin? Put down the blackberry. Hang up the cellphone. Stop texting for a moment. Just sit and’ be’ for a moment, allowing True Nature to fill your soul. Can’t do it?! Then take a weekend and spend some needed time in the woods. Maybe it is time for a retreat?!

It is about taking time to enjoy the beauty of nature…returning to Mother Earth, and being One with It All. Many will oppose this idea but eventually need some necessary downtime or, as I like to call it, ‘Me Time.’ We access keys to multi-verses during’ me time, bridging gaps and finding missing pieces to unanswered questions between the Universe and us.

I like to escape to remote locations, preferably somewhere I have not been before, take only the bare necessities…often only water, paper and pen. Whenever a retreat calls my name, there is usually a whole mind and body preparation. Focusing on what enters my body: food, thought, words of another while often fasting for at least two to three days, mind, body and Spirit align…preparing my Spirit for a weekend, week or however long is necessary. As I center myself in practice, the world becomes centered within this practice. Have you ever prepared for a retreat? Or do you show up? No right or wrong answer. Some say that preparing for retreat allows us to center ourselves within the quiet time that we seek. Our mind chatter is silenced, and answers begin to flow.

Stepping into the Canvas, choosing to fall into it with whole heart and soul. Lend a hand, an ear or a friendly smile. Do what you want today, not what others say you ‘should’ do. Stay away from the trap of pleasing others, but please only yourself. Today I will not only step but will fall into the canvas.

Photo by Martha Bergmann on Unsplash

Seeing Beyond the Canvas

Seeing beyond the canvas is about seeing life as something far greater than our conditioned lives. We were taught happiness comes from going to school, establishing a career and living the American Dream by purchasing our own home. While achieving all of this, something remains missing. What is this void we all yearn to fill? It is the void of Truth. The void of Truth is an empty feeling when we continually seek more of something, yielding a false sense of goodness.

We get a house, a couple of cars and maybe some nice little toys. We are happy for a moment but continue to battle bouts of depression, anger, fear and sadness. Something is still missing.

Walking in the flesh, Orgasms lasts a mere Second. Walking in Spirit…an Eternity! ~Joseph

The void is our lack of happiness or self-actualization of being’ On Purpose.’ We must learn to accept happiness no matter the circumstance, seeing silver linings in every cloud. Have you ever noticed some successful people and their lives painting a perfect picture? At first glance, they seem to be happy whilst having it all. As we look deeper or time unveils, we hear of a terrible breakup or separation. They were never really happy or had addictions to prescription drugs. A small population has it all but, more importantly, has found happiness and lived on the heart level. At this level…All Things are Possible.

Some have nothing to call their own, but they have everything they ever need. How can we learn from those who smile at times of tragedy or lack in every other sense? These people have nothing but have everything…and more.

Never look up to the people who have the painted-perfect lives, because try as they might, can never see beyond the canvas. ~Moira Hallsom

It is possible to have it all: the big house, loving family, and more money than we know what to do with, but meaningless without finding happiness. People try to buy happiness, but as I stated earlier, “As we walk in the flesh, the Orgasm lasts for a mere second.” Walking in the flesh focuses on meeting the lower of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Physical pleasures, while walking in Spirit focuses on higher self-actualization needs. Finding happiness, enjoying all that life has to offer. Once established, we can co-create the life we want…giving our life away.

Stepping into the Canvas, we admire the beauty Creator has painted, accepting it for what it is while co-creating a painting to our desires. Seeing Beyond the Canvas sheds light on painted pictures and their imperfections. When we see the canvas for what it truly is, we accept them as imperfectly perfect as our own but enjoy the beauty that life has to offer. Focus on our Canvas, Painting that which we most desire.

So, where do we align ourselves? Do we align with the material gains and the flesh? or do we align with the Higher Self of Spirit, obtaining all we ever dreamed of? Dare to step into the Canvas today, living the life meant to…taking an active role in creation.

Spiritual Exercise: Cosmic Dance

Try to lighten up and go with the Flow for the coming week or month. It may take throwing out those lists or agendas for the day. It may take a little practice, but assuredly it gets easier as we go. Here are three easy exercises to try:

1. Going with the Flow

Often I am in a situation where someone else has a differing idea or plan for the day. I could dig heels in and declare it to be my way or not at all, or I could look at the big picture, weighing if the present idea fits into the picture. In doing so, we are collaborating with others and allowing their input. What about those who insist all the time? Will it hurt anyone to let them take charge?

In letting others share their input, the day will go easier. However, if the bigger picture dictates the idea will prolong the day, calmly speak your insight. I used to be in charge of many things…what an illusion! Now, I just let it unfold with joy and awe. Consistently adapting and reconfiguring self-agenda to fit the greater.

2. No Agendas

One of the greatest lessons I found was letting go of expectations and agendas, allowing things to unfold. With an idea in motion, the possibilities are endless. Focus is not meant to be on achieving it but on witnessing it along the way.

We used to plan every second of vacations or trips, maximizing our time away. We found these to be tiring and cumbersome…until we stopped planning. With minimal plans, the trip turned near miraculous. Give it a try…you may think it was the best vacation ever!

We put our heart and soul into everything we do…including the agendas of the day. With expectations comes disheartening conclusions…unless we remain unattached to outcomes.

3. Without judgment

Without judgment leads to non-attachment of self and others’ beliefs or actions. Allowing things to unfold naturally, we in turn flow with the current of life. As we are not perfect, nobody else has mastered perfection. It is through our seeing the imperfections as perfectly as we can, allowing them to “just be.”

As we accept all as imperfectly perfect as it was meant to be witnessed, we attain a level of perfection (sort of).

Just for the day or week, refrain from pointing out another’s flaw or mistake… readjust the sails to the day. See not the imperfections but the perfection of the day, and it shall be made so.

The Cosmic Dance is about inspiring and being inspired. Holding judgment or doubt hinders our ability to see imperfectly perfect as we have been created. Stepping into the extraordinary, clearing the Canvas, we fall into the Canvas of Life…allowing faith to be our guide. By faith, we shall move forward. Forgetting everything we have learned thus far…we see beyond the Canvas.