New Dawning of Darkened Days

New Dawning of Darkened Days

Battlefields clearing essence of light-transference

Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

We may not always understand the path before us or the shadows we encounter, transmuting thought on microscopic levels or grandiose as a thunderous storm. Here is a short story about such an event.

Oljita enters the studio, where the Mofo Bros create new beginnings for self and those who come to listen. Instantly, Oljita is met with a large unfamiliar force. Looking to Mo, maybe it is Fo, still unsure who is who, “something is different today. Are you feeling this?”

Affirming the feeling as the two band-mates begin to ride the waves, jibing and battling darkness with light. Fo could be Mo, begins the riff-off, lighting up the slide and transferring to thundering bass.

Mo and Oljita are lost in this new vibration, unable to translate songs coming through.

Riding on the wings of Fo’s awakened spirit, allowing the music to carry them all away, drifting off into a lighted field, lifting them into the cosmic, knowing that this is the new way it will be. Mo and Oljita fuse with this harmonious melody, supporting Fo’s transition into light transference.

Hours pass, like seconds passing in the blink of an eye, with mysterious harmonica sounds coming through amps and acoustics standing by. Oljita looks towards Fo, no harmonica in place, turning to Mo with a welcoming smile — Mo returns the gratitude for this wave of healing light.

Here we go,” the feeling ‘in tune’ shared by Mo and Oljita. Maestro Fo starts slow, answered electric blasting of Mo’s fingertips, expanding Oljita’s heart song, carrying him to Mongolia’s hills of ceremonial battlegrounds. Deep bellowing of Dragon’s breath, lighting the chords, breathing out a throat song of ancient times, sounds they have never heard before fill the room.

With sounds of Alash and HU filling the electrical tune, stomping out any residual demons left behind at last encounter, darkened shadows inviting more light into studio walls.

Outside, taking a needed break, Fo looks dazed and confused whilst Mo and Oljita are all smiles — filled with gratitude for bathing sunshine and full-spectrum healing of cosmic light. They puff away third person singular, giving thanks, with wheels spinning as to what comes next.

~ Ani Po

Mo and Fo are band names of the MoFo Bros, a two man band who play suitcase drums, guitars and other percussion to create a sound of a ten piece band. The standing joke is who is Mo and who is Fo. Left for the audience to decide.

Oljita is a healer who is able to walk in and out of realities, connecting missing dots to unanswered story-lines.

Thank you Woodworkers of the World Unite for housing this story of works and wonder.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Superinvolution from Inner to Outer and Back Again

Superinvolution from Inner to Outer and Back Again

Likewise outer to inner knowing — it was there from the beginning

Photo by Yves Alarie on Unsplash

Sitting on a dead, rotten corpse of an old Sequoia, quieting the mind and all days before, pending ancient wisdom as if by courier’s arrival. Be still and know that I Am peace, love, and everything painted from unicorns to grizzly beasts of an unfriendly sort.

Buzz, little bee, stingers sheathing approach as if tired from South America’s journey — landing to rest but for a minute on opened flesh. Blistered in the sun, watering holes waiting for drunkard bizarre, piercing droplets and oceans of memories breath, taking what is needed.

Sharing flesh and blood with another, meditating on the entire cosmic approach of self and collective whole, awaiting guided steps from ancestral and masters alike, planetary message received.

“Thank you for sharing yourself at a time of this tiresome journey. Your generosity will be rewarded — following my brothers and sisters of flight and those who crawl through the night.”

Your attentive gaze, wistful thoughts, and open ears new found modus operandi, stage of your well-being — trust this, and ye shall not be led astray. Call to the winds, pairing waters with sacred stones, taking flight inwardly to the Akashic knowing of all things.

Fast forward through trials and tribulations apprehensive misleading misfortune, trusting the processes of death and rebirth — allowing all things return unto center. The time will declare itself anew with a deeper understanding of truths foretold and gifted unto thee.

That day has come to eat crow, witnessing deceit of another wounded soldier’s ambiguity-filled ill-intent, only to distract from the chosen path all along. Crooked roads meant for deeper exploration, leading once again to the zero-point reality of resetting self and redirecting attention to outwardly evolutionary shedding of skin and reptilian brain processing speeds.

Years are passing by, seeking golden eggs laid by favorable goose, falling short — nearly flat upon the face of an already broken soul lost within their mind. Quantum entanglement spreads her wings, invitation sent by mysterious’ shadows of the night stalking, or was it a squelching of sorts, kicked right in the Gulliver’s privately owned fork in the road.

Revolutionary tips her hat, giving signs from the bull-pen, the pitch is up, involution knowing — a pre-existing condition of mind, body, and spirit colliding at light speed’s superinvolution from inner to outer cosmic returning favorable means, likewise outer to inner knowing — it was always there from the beginning.

~ Ani Po

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Thank you Jean Carfantan for this prompt, as I allowed it float away and return with its own wings of understanding. With no decoder ring, as Marcus likes to call it, I leave it to the reader — expanding their own consciousness/understanding of self and words hovering on the page.

The Wave

Explore the Universe then integrate it to your roots

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash