Stepping out of the Stone Age

Stepping Out of the Stone Age

Day 14 of 30-day Challenge

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

In the infancy of time, stone builders
accessing portals of limited quantity
specialized in sending banded notes
thwarted onto the cranium
splintering, breaking open to the rawness
unattainable knowledge of future tense.
Fast-forward two thousand, maybe more
primitive ways exist while “passing a note”
among rivals of one clan to the next.
Change is constant humans remain
stuck in archaic methods of understanding
dealing with conflict like cavemen
thumping cortexes and pillaging everything.
Age of Aquarius, long foreseen, is coming to fruition
willingness and openness to dive deeper
into the cosmic revolution of pure unadulterated love.
Children of the Revolution rise against the machine
reclaiming peace and tranquility for self,
family and communities alike.
Stepping out of the Stone Age letting go layered past
Stepping into the Canvas of all-knowing truths
Love one another as I have loved you,
embodied into the souls of the many.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

A Time of Conflict or Turmoil

A Time of Conflict or Turmoil

Day 12 of 30-day challenge

A day does not pass without facing trying
or difficult times; grand or small makes no difference.
How we handle these times of conflict remains
our definition of whom we’ve become.
Coworkers bring in their baggage, lashing out
at all their encounters, projecting theirs onto our own.
No thank you, as a simple phrase silently spoken
or thought quietly to ourselves.
These are our internal customers, ones we
cafe to shine upon, offering a new light of day.
The external customers, those coming for services,
watching how the internals carry themselves.
Attention to detail, mystery shoppers, if you will,
watching our every move.
They know when we are not getting along
having been brought to our knees.
Smile and wave, showering them with kindness,
sharing this with internal and externals alike.
Shit hits the fan, grandiose of turmoil
approaching similarly as the small day-to-day.
Smile and wave, allowing the others to remain
or change their footing to proceed on this glorious Canvas.

~ Ani Po

Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

This year has proven difficult for everyone on many fronts adding to the already difficulties within our day-to-day. How does one deal with that? There are many strategies to counter these times, finding our balance and holding onto peace within our days. Whatever techniques work for you, whether meditation, yoga, retreating to nature, do them! The simplest thing that we all can remember is that everyone is doing the best that they know.

But it just keeps coming! Hitting us from all fronts, wearing us down, tearing us down. During these times, I am often heard saying, “time to double down on our efforts.” Meaning we focus more on finding that balance and if it means adding more yoga session, more walks or sitting with our favorite tree, then do so!

Drained? Time to recharge. Charging our batteries is beneficial to ourselves and those around us. In a time of great turmoil, smile! It is hard to project a smile with our masks covering our mouths, but the feeling emitting from that smile will be felt by those around us. Through our actions, reflecting that smile, we shall bring a brighter day to someone lurking in the shadows.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash