Holding Sacred Space Lighting the Way: Do you Really Need it? This Will Help you Decide

Poetic response to collective feels

Holding Sacred Space Lighting the Way: Do you Really Need it? This Will Help you Decide

Keeping the Golden Hues free and clear of tainted thought

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Holding space — giving not away energy or entertaining thoughts falling on deaf ears. Keeping auric fields clean of debris — golden hues of vibrational feelings of pure love and joy. We have traveled the valley of death — a personal journey of decaying flesh, letting go of weighted baggage handed down by centuries and lifetimes of old.

Preservation of self — tranquil moments expands into collective chaotic — turmoil of selves’ daily occurrences. Knowing thyself — allowing others to come to a place of understanding in their timing as unfolding truths wash away like footprints in the sand with every ebb and flow.

Ask not what we can do for them — what matters most — is holding sacred ground with every step kissing the earth in a loving breath. Leave a trail of invites — like signposts along a road — leading to paradoxical truths of chaos and embracing history as a loving home of all there is.

Knock at the door — cherished guest welcoming sounds of seekers inquisitive tune — interwoven with a sacred canvas all-encompassing sight unseen. Invitation received — with welcoming arms — extending to the cosmos and the depths of alluvium’s spinning core.

Ask, and they shall receive — words sent from galactic alliances — remaining steadfast from the beginning to the end of days. Enters the council — guided steps infusing realities — of divine dichotomies and sacred truths. We are the beginning and the end, pure at heart and tainted truths — judged by the other ninety-nine percent — with great disdainful nature.

Revealed to all — when timing presents itself as right unto thee — not for the faint at heart but warrior-like beingness as the pilgrim seeking shelter within greater. Willingness, knowingness, acceptance — a great void is filling up with akashic assimilation.

Present are we — sacred is our truth-loving steps upon the shores of all existence. Trailblazing — effortless alacrity — our path is illuminating the way for others to find their course — leaving it up to welcomed guests.

~ Ani Po

This piece was culminated through a collective thought, brought on by weeks buried treasures hidden in plain sight. With chaos all around, observation of the majority of peoples, pointed fingers for my discerning ways, I am left in awe at the sacredness of this holy space, present in my every step.

With a tune beginning the week (literally on repeat in my head), awareness of the message, unfolding of the daily events compounded and revealing collective presence all around. Remaining centered in this knowing of great discourse not accepted by every encounter, the hidden gems surface to a great understanding of all there is.

Thank you Diana C. for the reminder of holding sacred space, not worrying about what others may feel. Remaining true to the cause, sharing words and thoughts for others to digest on their own timing.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

We are Vast in Heart-Centered Canvas of Life

We are Vast in Heart-Centered Canvas of Life

In Loving Gratitude-finding gratitude in Everything

Today we wake to morning sun or clouded skies obscuring sight — stepping on left or right footed with intent or haunted anamnesis. Which do we choose — in a universe where the mind travels hitherto fro?

Reaching for a cup of life — sipping on its elixir. Standing before us — thoughts transpiring from unknown cavernous galaxies. We observe, choosing wisely to which allows most gratitude. Easy to choose — happy dance — fairy and unicorn — what of the shadowy doubts, darkened past, suffering all around?

Go and play! Or sit with shadows of our day? Both bringing happiness — one short and sweet, leading to continuous seeking of pleasure in another’s playful dance. The latter — with a single breath — illuminated thought reality yielding infinite joy and happiness.

Sitting with pain and suffering, counting blessings as we may. Far greater returns are seeking blessings of our day. A single breath — fixed upon blessings of this moment — transferring and transpired space-time continuum.

Every thought ever-existing in reality — choosing which to lead our day — creating roads less traveled — or paths taken a thousand times before. Live in a familiar galaxy or look to the neighboring star cluster.

So, for today, counting the blessings — starting small, expanding and transmuting past into future benison. See all as it is, see all as it may — seek and ye shall find — neighboring moon or blistering sun, All Blessings for everyone.

In love with this moment in time — sitting — quieting mind — giving thanks for birthing of a new beginning — multitude of colors presenting forth, breathe to the beginning and its end — all transgressions and divine happenstance — all beings of thought and physical form — a singular globe of cosmic proportions.

We are vast in Heart-centered Canvas of Life — flowing — naturally as It goes. Sending blessings to the readers — seers — medium of sorts, the movers — shakers — dancers of Life inspiring melodies, the third world — middle management — even the industrial giants — sending love and gratitude whether small or grand.

In Loving Gratitude — I Am Here.

~Ani Po

Thank you for this Spark Ravyne Hawke and housing prompts filled with gratitude.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash