The world is as it is, What you See is What You Get

Walk your Talk: prompt

The world is as it is, What you See is What You Get

Forever moving in The Way, talking the walk, walking the talk

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

In the beginning, pure — brightly lit as the morning sun, seeing life as it was intended to. Through kaleidoscopes of child-like sight — unseen shadow of self, building unanswered probabilities of growing through the personal valley of death overtime.

It began with a scolding — father to son “you can’t do things like this,” “you cannot see the world as you do,” or “the world is as it is, what you see is what you get.” Even the words confused by shadowing doubt, fear-based teachings handed down for years to come.

Years were passing — triggers and traumas succumbing to seducing — twisted oral traditions, led by anger-filled hand-me-downs from generation to generation. Wrong place at the wrong time or was it doing what it ought not to do? The pain still growing, death of past gaining momentous crashing into life’s greatest brick wall, the end drawing near.

A feeling of knowing — building upon fictitious belief, self-realizing paradoxical withholding — destined to rise above the physical realities of once foretold dying fate. Reflecting on the Autumn of the year, Frank Sinatra singing it best — the year of the thirty-third at best, death of past submitting to — birthing futuristic knowing of self-doubt checking itself at the door.

Questioning whole life — unraveled truths, letting go of anything and everything foretold. Now is the time of a great insurgence — taking back the true nature of walking — kissing the Earth with every step — carefully guided down the middle of the Red Road — blood-stained and all.

Call to action, the council’s carried tune to the sacred fire — burning hot with desire — leaving worlds better than before. Enters the void, firstly unaware, over time familiarity of The Twelve — holding sacred space for self-healing — outwardly projecting to the cosmos vibratory acquiescing returns, hearts song holding the beginning at center stage.

Forward moving, irrefutable truths understanding — all creation giving birth simultaneously to divine dichotomies separation by nature. The I in we, you as he, together are we, three in one for all eternity, abolished duality — thinking we are separate from Elohim, triune thought returning as one embodied soul accessing records before the great separation.

Forever moving in The Way, talking the walk, walking the talk, deeper understanding of “the world is as it is, what you see is what you get.” Birthing Light of Love’s tranquil holding — onto thee given by eternal grace from this day forward.

~ Ani Po

In response to Jean Carfantan call to walking our talk, I set out to the beginning when my father told me not think openly as I saw the world. Thirty-three years coming to a halt, no longer living broken and afraid, seeking higher council from places not in plain sight.

Undoing the doings of past, stepping into future’s sacred hold on present moment tranquility — living authentically, possibly crazy as the others witness my turning down the narrow road between duality of thought.

Thank you for this prompt, tickling my words into fruition, giving space to share collective desire for something greater amidst this Great Canvas of Life. As the above photo depicts, traveling freely as it was written upon my soul.

original prompt

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Looking to the East, Surging burning Fires Spirited Song

Looking to the East, Surging burning Fires Spirited Song

Holding warmth of summer’s spiraling tune

Photo by Oliver Hihn on Unsplash

Crunching of the leaves afoot delivering autonomously — falling from the tree of life transfigured ascetically, whilst collapsing sounds of wind inflated memories — once known, forgotten spoke truths, frozen in the tracks completed the ones moreover not yet taken.

Deliver this soul — humbled by a play-on of words, foughten between the player’s mix — right and left, lost and found beneath the crisp, frosted dew left behind in the airy night — falls to the presence of winter’s dream — shadow-filled disturbing thoughts sitting in the cold ancient dwelling place not fit for the weak in spirit.

Presently the veil of starry skies — ripped open to the guidance of ancestral beings, knowing of things not studied by daylights chaotic tunes — of another sort — out amidst the fields of tranquility filled with ever-changing budding fruits nourishing with vitality.

Ask them neither how they came to be nor the plagued foreboding inner truths — leading to this moment in time — instead, looking to the east, surging burning fire within — knowing confidently we are who we are — no explanation necessarily exchanged.

Winter is coming — foretold by wisdom bearing calls to inner-workings — enters the cave of knowledge, gratuitously gazing at valley’s death delivering blow — at the heart of sentient’s alike — holding the warmth of summer’s spiraling song — lifting the spirit into the darkest of nights.

~Ani Po

Thank you J.D. Harms and the whole Scrittura family for this dance with Inspiration. I do not pretend to know everything, but I know what I need to know, sharing these gifted songs with whomever will listen.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash