Mirrored Reality: Overlaid Atop Another Day

Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

Mirrored Reality

overlaid atop another day

It was mid-morning of another day, six patients already passing this way
steady flow, broken down, Rona was speaking more fear spitting chaos hard to know.
Then it happened out of the left-field, caught in a daze, briefly, life’s purpose unconcealed
visionary, recessionary thoughts no longer abiding in life’s given dysentery.

Climbing to the top of the highest building, downtown place-setting bank one ascending
further and further skyward bound eagles’ existential persistence humans connecting stars abound.
Climbing to the favored fringe of possibility, sitting upon glories edged nobility,
tempered eyes glassed-over, once passive voice is written word personal trover.

Heart surrendering sacred song, birds, Dragon, ancient mother’s sarong,
wrapped up in heavenly thoughts, doves releasing spirit imparting like a boss.
Goose-bumps traveling head to toe, forgetting briefly I ought to go,
instant gratitude, fortitude reciprocating, wholly and holy participating.

Mirrored reality shattering what was, given before intrinsic faux pas,
thus mimicking empath, laying on a bed of ‘their’ wrath.
Transfigured and muted tongue, death and dying of the day of dung,
heavy heart imitating dense energies the time being, letting go another fleeing, also decreeing.

~ Ani Po

Photo by Emerson Lima on Unsplash

This mirrored reality gave birth this past week as I was attending to the day’s normal requests, pain and suffering, chaos and disorderly behavior, lost and confused, in the wake of quarantining for an entire year. Now dealing with coworkers’ brokenness, suffering from continuous blood-letting songs of fear and misery, left crying out discretely to the Universe for guidance.

Out of options, no longer able to keep the peace, fleeing persons running from sacred fires strength and nobility, full submission, at the mercy of unknowing what may come of this day.

There in the control room with monitors observing treatment rooms’ guest, it happened, overlaid realities of what will be given unto thee. A glimpse of an inner-warrior climbing the highest of buildings in downtown Milwaukee, placing him or herself atop a ledge overlooking the city, region, worldly gaze extension.

Holding space while listening to the sacred tune, feeling a new song embodying, encompassing, and passing vicariously through shape-shifting inspirited reality, inner-warrior knowing what to do, it is done. Cracking of the ribs, heart expansive ways, opening flesh, vulnerable and naked embodied universal truth, love flowing with healing winds, doves release from the chest, hearts’ sacred song, healing self-doubt, collective scarring of sacred truths, expanding further, from the control room to cosmic sanctorium.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Ancient and Eternal Connection with Gaia

Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash

Ancient and Eternal Connection with Gaia

Day 3 of 30 day challenge

Recalling that first real connection, unbeknownst to me.

What was once the great awakening, beginning with a subtle voice, “come with me.”Tracing back further, to the beginning of existence with a knowing all along.

To the gentle breeze, dancing and singing to stories of the ancients, infinite gratitude flows at your gentle caress.

To the animal kingdom, plants and stars bring alike great joy in knowing communication lines have been restored.

To the ancestors, familial presence just the same, interconnected, healing beginning to end, becoming one as the great mystery itself. Divided no longer, forever fused into the great abyss, voided thought, place and reality.
Is it was in the beginning, residing in hearts of the ancients, forever be that I Am.

~Ani Po

Photo by Scott Carroll on Unsplash

When my guide, in the form of a deer, approached for the first time, calling “come to me,” I initially thought I was going crazy. I was battling for years between heart and mind, questioning who I was or what may come of this craziness.
Was I going crazy? Spirit replies by showing otherwise. Still uncertain, I traveled back in time to my childhood, not finding the answer, further back, only to find I have known all along.
This knowing is in all of us; we have just forgotten or have gotten wrapped up and warped throughout our daily affairs.
Moving forward, connected to Mother Earth, Great Mystery, all my relations join in celebrating and holding sacred space for my feet to caress my beginnings.

Thank you . for this opportunity, KTHT for bring a place of ‘home’ for so many.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash