Seeking Voice of Another

Seeking Voice of Another
disappearing into a little different

Seeking out a new voice through which these words travel,
unbeknownst great attachment to whom I’ve become,
with predictable chaos hidden within plain sight,
transfixed reality sharpening gaze piercing eyes,
awkwardly staring off into space,
in hopes of becoming invisible,
disappearing into the cosmic masterpiece,
amidst the quantum-time paralleled universe.

Yes, wanting to disappear,
briefly and annotating others skillset quill-like mastery,
absented comparison, adoration, and or loathing,
merely observing a thousand many faces of the same author,
many pens, keyboards affixed phalangeal tapping in rhythmic tones,
backward mirror of time following rules, not this personas forte,
peeking at another’s desktop, writings upon their page
thousand many faces of the same great author.

Oh, how my heart aches, searching for another voice,
comforting lounge pants mirrored silken cloth losing my religion,
confessing to the birds not giving a damn but to their scavenging ways
of knowing when their world is filled to the rim of ‘all there is,’
singing their favorite tune sending out invitations for all
to give witnessing voice additional heart-warming sounds
of sacred songs carrying wings of flight to far-off lands,
returning once again at childhood’s end.

Pain and misery wanting to be heard,
shuffling back to the end of the line,
giving pause to what was before,
hearing words foreign to auditory self-inflicting,
hallucinating or real uncertainties remaining true
to given words, free-flowing spirit ought not to speak,
awe-inspiring glance within open expanse,
humbled acceptance in hopes of meeting the criteria.

Still looking
for a new voice,
checking outside
under the rocks,
behind buckthorn’s naked flesh
out of orbit,
out of time,
out of space.

~ Ani Po

_ _ _

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

A Constant Cyclic State of Growth and Change

A constant, cyclic state of growth and change

Day 2 of prompted 30 day challenge

Just as seasons change,
messages of preachers timely message remain.
Aligned or aligning further with cosmic thought,
becoming more in-tune with astrological
cyclical positioning thought transference.
Noted, triggered being,
traumatic response to a forbidden discussion of altered past,
awareness, reset,
rebooting internal hard drive,
cycle continues.
Forward moving, ever-adjusting,
re-positioned thought,
guided way-finding shadow led light brightening march,
cycle continues.
How long?
When does it stop?
Never-ending until that last breath
of humanness gives forth.

~Ani Po

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

If we pay attention to the seasons, the weeks, timelines of sorts, we will learn of repeating patterns, cycles if you will , that continue to drive us consciously or subconsciously into the days ahead.

These patterns, are they set in stone? Can they be altered? Are we truly governed sternly by the stars?

All left for the individual journey and I will leave the discovery to you. As for me, while the cycles remain, there is always a potential for a shift in reality, altered outcomes to every step with the Canvas of Life.

Thank you . for this 30-day challenge, to which I accept, promising to do my best.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash