Holding Sacred Space

Holding Sacred Space

It is all sacred

Photo created by author on Superphoto 

A man searches the world for sacred space — finding it already under his feet. He sees pain and suffering — clouded by judgment — hatred, overlooking sacred space afoot.

Holding his own — for self, family, and community — sacred space grows in peace and love. With every step, the sacred grows. Acknowledging pain and suffering — natural beauty all around — it is so.

Kissing Mother with peace and love — stepping in sacred gifting of selfless fashioning — It Is So — we are dancing on sacred ground.

Sacred space present wherever we are. ~Ani Po

Looking back into the collective song, I remember the clattering of echoing screams of fallen angels, pleading with creation to cease tinnitus’s constant ring. Knowing now, what was blind to the fainted belief, the murmur of winds calling names, sight unseen made known in disbelief.

Integrated timelines of past — present to future folds — old dogma fallen to the wayside of relieving self-inflicted wounds and traumatic remembrance. Quietly forward is the thrust snare of tiny inner drumming — self-discovering — knowing it was all a dream — streaming consciousness from self and collective whisperings.

Alone, he sits — at first glance, knowing this — spirit all around acknowledging his presence. There he remains — on a back porch rocking about or overlooking the crashing waves somewhere in the Pacific — giving thanks for the path that led him to the present day.

In gratitude, he gives thanks for the hardships — the traumatic encounters — and the glorious memories bearing perma-grin lasting for eternity. Holding sacred space for self — holding sacred space for all who wish to enter.

Thank you Diana C., and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Awakening Spirit

Awakening Spirit

Calling once again

Photo taken by Author

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something? Have you ever felt like you needed to do something? Or have you ever gotten the strange urge to call a friend to deliver some news? You are receiving a message from the field of possibilities.

I am still in awe every time this happens and honored to have these messages flow through. My favorite moments are when connecting with someone, only to call on other people, who I later find out, are already connected with this person. The mystery and story unfold as I carry a message to someone new. Better yet, they accept the call into the field and travel with me into the great unknown — a place of infinite possibilities. I am not here to squelch anyone’s dreams — but here to encourage them.

When we let go of our previous teachings or the previous upbringings of control, we open up to endless possibilities of new beginnings — creating a sea of potentiality.

How does one get there?

Sadly, for most people, it takes a tragedy to get them to see the truth of ‘all things.’ However, these tragedies are merely disguises for great things to come. How often have we heard someone hitting rock bottom and climbing to the highest mountains?

We do not have to wait for this time, but as humans, we see no point in doing anything other than what we already know — remaining complacent. Until one day, we are forced to decide between the same up-and-down roller coaster ride or a new ride that screams endless excitement with a ‘no low’ guarantee. It is all possible — and it is possible now.

As I write this, I hear a voice whispering into my ear — no name, no label — just a whisper. It begins to dictate, “We are all here to learn from one another, and we are here to grow in our true selves, rising to the occasion of being a Warrior once more. There shall come a time in everyone’s life when they will need to make a choice. Stay on the sided valley of despair or travel the rocky path to nowhere — trusting that paradise awaits. Those willing to cross the valley of death shall find paradise. Those afraid, stuck in the ordinary, shall never experience extraordinary. It is in our death of flesh — Spirit is born unto us.”

Out of the darkened night,
Spirit calls me into the Light.
Deep within the Words,
I begin to flow.

Within the lessons, dare I go?

They present themselves only to me.
Choose to,
Or choose not.
Allowing myself the past,
Future…and what’s to come.

Trusting, believing,
It is so.
Stepping, knowing,
Reality is true.

My darkened past…released.
My future…revealed.

Still only remaining…the Now.

Do what needs to be done,
With my day.
Go where the call takes me,
Still a mystery.
Wherever this may be,
Or whatever I am to do.

Know this…my Heart leads the way.

~Ani Po

Stop and listen if you are stuck or need help figuring out where to go. Chances are, Spirit is calling you by name. Those willing to hear the call shall answer to the great I Am; those willing to answer the call shall arrive — Right on time.

Stepping into the Canvas with Heart as our guide. Whatever the darkened past or lessons of life, we all have access to a powerful source of Light housed within. Follow this Light, and we will not be led astray — finding paradise. Listen to Spirit — She will lead you there.

I wrote this about ten years ago while discovering new possibilities. Daring to cross the valley of death, giving birth to something beyond one’s dreams. I share it now, with hopes it may carry a few. 

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash