Blue Feathers Falling at my Feet

Prompt on Gratitude

Blue Feathers Falling at my Feet

Eternal gratitude for the messengers all around

Photo by Author

Oh, the blue feather
Fallen at my feet
Must be a sign
Of something
Communicating from another realm
Hawk screeches
Flying overhead

What does it mean?

Affixed on the story
Meaning of sorts
Dwelling never knowing
Winds gentle whispers
Clouds blanketing sun
Mother calls
Step gingerly in her presence
Spinning in thought
Sitting quietly…amused
Bursting into laughter
Tears welling
Painting the skies
Burning desires
Given birth
Oh, the blue feather
Fallen at my feet
Awakened my Spirit
Eternal gratitude It Is.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for Sahil Patel, for this prompt and Lifeline for housing the words.

Open to witnessing the many gifts we have personally received, or the gifts presented to us in the Canvas of life, we find acceptance in all the torment and chaos of our days, reminding us to remain in gratitude for all things leading to this point in time.

Whatever the circumstances in our lives, we have come to know this timeline as another fork in the road, maybe, or a life-changing decision to let everything go from our past.

I am reminded of this lesson through a small token from a blue jay and the magnificent words of another. Elyse Wright discusses our letting go in a timely fashion, whether it is a lesson of actually letting go or revisiting an idea of further understanding needed. Sure to trigger the thoughts.

When encountering misfortune or ill-intent of another, we choose to remain in sadness, burying our heads in the sand, as A. N. Tipton discusses in I wonder, or Bouncing Back in Jason Edmunds piece Bouncing Along. We have choices.

Choosing gratitude for the steps taken thus far, steps not taken, merely having gratitude for all that life has presented us.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Blue Whispered Shades of Inspiring Thoughts

Blue Whispered Shades of Inspiring Thoughts

Buried in the orange — collectively gathered clay

Photo by Patrice Bouchard on Unsplash

Looking to the skies — blue whispered shades
inspiring thoughts embodying reflective beauty
of souls before — openness blanketing self — greater
is the Canvas when actively participating in the mysteries.

Calling to sacred winds — singing reverberating sounds — inner
beauty intertwining with past, present and future self — outer
gazing thoughts — words in between sentences
terms of self-agreeing, never fleeting ways.

Looking to Mother Earth — deep-rooted songs
of painful memories buried in the orange — collectively gathered
clay of filth hardly fertile grounds — cultivating
mixing the decaying words into flourishing fashion.

Calling to ancestors — walking, kissing the Earth
in gentle steps of heartfelt tranquility — there for all to see
vulnerability and often misperceived notions —
accepting the way as the only way we know.

Standing amidst the Rainbow Bridge — between past and future
participles with devoted behaviors to all there is — once again climbing
from the wretches of strangles hold — dying
internal struggles are transforming for all to witness.

Within the spaces of unknown — dashes between timelines
and chapters’ memories of life — gaining glimpses
of future tense — accepting the letting go
of everything before and everything in between.

Where is this source of knowing — intuition, internal guidance?
Out there, in the Canvas of Life — collectively experiencing
hurt and healing — colliding bondage with bandage aiding
and abetting lights are passing the flame.

~ Ani Po

Photo by Kathy Bostrack, capturing a favorite place to rest

When jules shared her prompt on a favorite color, it was a difficult choice ( not really), for I have always been drawn to the blues and oranges of life. Whether it is my split way of seeing the world, both sides of a broken wheel, or a deep-rooted meaning of each color.

Orange being the seat of intuition, housed in the sacral chakra, carrying passion beyond this world. Untapped, unrefined, taking us into a dark place of depression. Embracing the energies, taming the feelings associated with, creativity and deeper understanding of all our pain and suffering presents itself.

Blue as the skies and deepest of seas, opening space for more inspirational knowing of all the Canvas of Life has to offer. Housed in the throat, colored thoughts vanishing themes, speaking truths for the first time with depth and sensitivity to the collective whole.

Sitting with these gathered thoughts, in between the words — awaiting interpretation. As Diana C. offered another prompt to seek ideas from the in between, inviting us to witness the process to where our voice is housed.

Thank you both for a ponderous week, sitting with creative energies and sharing with those whom I encountered. Continued gratitude for the editors @jules, Diana C., Spyder, George Blue Kelly, and Ravyne Hawke, who keep us flowing in a greater possibility of self.

At the inception of this writing, loop pedal was activated, with Shpongle asking When Shall I be Free.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash