Yours, Mine and Ours

Yours, Mine and Ours

Discerning energies of others and self, embodying their truths

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Before his, it was ours
hers not being told
by another storyteller
yet embodied by personal infliction.

Sitting with a pull — fear entering thought
transparent understanding
something greater than you and I.

Mine eyes affix on pain — suffering
of written words misconceived by
loosely translated truths
shallow to the touch of every breath.

Discerning energetic pull
from North, South,
East, West and every directional
the passing of coyote’s step.

Tricksters united — squelching
barks from another den
dissipating in changing wind —
heart’s coming home.

Mastery of self — understanding
yours, mine and ours
first person transformed
into third-person singular.

I to We, energetic beings are they
healing self, healing neighboring
villagers unfeeling — ways
from past to present — future self are we.

~Ani Po

Inspired by Camille Grady’s piece, Emotional expansion. When reading her piece, my mind began seeking out understanding of personal travels through contemplation of energies.

Mastering our own, discerning other energies involvement, allowing attention to go where it is needed — calling on aid from the ether, silently giving where we can, as not to drain our own energy.

Willingly, giving everything — taking necessary recovery time to regain strength for another day. The difference being, before doing our own shadow work — drained, with slow recovery time. Having done our work, recovering at faster rates — allowing us to lend a hand when needed.

Realizing we are the spark of something greater, realizing we are the whole of its entirety.

This is where Camille Grady’s piece took me. Please give it a read and share where it takes you.

Loop pedal struck a song of observation, please give it a listen…

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Givers and Takers

Givers and Takers

A sacred Dance with Inspiration

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

What for thee giveth do
time of need or hitherto
shan’t wait to see another day
time is nigh — step into may
for my brother’s son sister too
deepest Peace Love unto you.

Greater purpose none such as thee
Stepping into the Canvas Charged for to me
as long as it takes and what it may
go now…giving it all away.

The sacred dance begins with letting go of all things — fear, joy, sorting through rubble, buried treasures bliss. Shadows of doubt — creeping in — welcomed tea leaves foretelling futures kiss.

Fred Astaire lessons beat — in time with two-steps, waltzes, leading, the subsequent flow of partners guided shift. Breaking out — individual’s expressional movement, self-mirrored remembrance of another’s sacred drift.

Returning cheek-to-cheek — ebb and flow — taking turns dominating, followed imprints in the sands of time. Frustration — fears of losing control — takers are dominating — forcing a dance every step to tainted rhyme.

Exhaustion is being swung around the floor, no longer wishing to carry on with ticker takers parade. Bowing out — another go around the room — saving breath for a worthy partner where a Sacred Dance with Inspiration is played.

One-sided, left at footsteps door — knocking, aggressively panting — begging just the same. Discerning energetic flow — giving and receiving — reciprocating belief in wonders claim.

~Ani Po

While reading Sunny H piece, Keep the Good Parts, my mind began wondering the idea of givers and takers. Maybe paralleled or lost in my own thoughts of having to let go of those takers who keep pulling us away from our sacred vow, giving to those in need, making small steps to better themselves.

When do we pull back? How much do we give to the takers of the world, with no reciprocity of this sacred dance of giving and receiving — exchanging seats to receiving and giving.

Having, recently, pulled the plug on a one-sided relationship, my heart ached for days. Knowing that I was free to recharge and help others for another day, holding a note, reading, “I will not give up on those lost in the wilderness.”

Meaning, while we let go of the lopsidedness can we hold a place for them knocking at our giving’s door? I cannot answer for anyone else but myself, assuredly a boundary is needed moving forward.

Thank you Sunny H for tickling my amygdala, with this piece.

Thank you Diana C., jules, Spyder, Ravyne Hawke and Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, for your weekly prompts, keeping us in a sacred dance with knowing self.

On today’s loop pedal, Drown with Me playing until completion of this piece.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash