The Recruiters

Short story about secret society recruiting for greater

Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash

We were in dark room all laying in circle. There was a storm out that night. Rain pouring in the backdrop and lightning illuminating the sky.

Thunderous clashes, flickering lightning, enhanced the feeling in the dark lit room. All in black, the recruiters were encircled by stonewalls. Laying on the floor, Nick noted the Director comforting others whom lay on the floor. “Just give us a second as Guardian receives the transmission.”

What appears to be a large metal robot, standing two stories tall, was walking outside in the rain guarding the building. Guardian turns and heads away from stone temple-like structure and from what I could hear, traveled a good distance away.

Nick peeked to see if he could see Guardian anymore, but could not. What he did see was the brightest lightning strike in the distance. During this lightning strike, Guardian received a downloaded transmission from the Watchers. The Recruiters, whom still remain on the floor and in a circle, have received many downloads before, but this was to be the last. Having put on his noise-cancelling headphones, bright lights on a dark stormy night muted, Nick feels a presence over his shoulder. Nick opens his eyes and look over his right shoulder. There was Guardian peeking his large metallic head through the stone openings. Guardian telepathically states “Nick you are chosen to lead this group now, find the others.” Nick gave thumbs up as the download was transmitted into building and into his being. Like an EMP going off Nick could feel a huge surge of energy surging through. Headphones go dead. Nick hears what appears to be a intensified humming noise, like that of electricity coming from a power transformer but only a thousand times louder. He felt as if it was becoming a part of him as the bright light streamed through the room.

Everything goes black and Nick is transported through a beam of light…

Narrated by Nick: Starts in a hallway with girl screaming…

“give it to me! Give it back! Please give it back!” Chasing a bully named Jeffrey. That’s where I come in…as Jeffrey approaches , I instinctively removed the girls hat by grabbing the tassel in the top, never touching young Jeffrey.

“Give it back dick! Who do you think you are?!”

Nick just stood there, speechless, witnessing such rage in a young man.

Jeffrey, without hesitation, punches him in the throat.

While Nick’s mind’s eye pondered why he chose a neck shot versus chin or gut, he realized Jeffries rage was greater than anticipated. His punch to the throat was a direct target potentially causing loss of breath. Did Jeffrey mean to cut off my airway, potentially killing me? Such rage in this poor lad.

Anyhow…Jeffrey’s first punch did not cause a flinch. So he punched three more times. To which a guidance counselor stopped our scuffle.

“Did you touch Jeffrey? Did you lay a hand on him?”

Well knowing that Jeffrey has a rap sheet extending to two other schools, the counselor was still obligated to protect her interests…in this case it was Jeffrey.

Ms. Fair politely handed me a name tag “Guest” and asked that I take some sand from the wishing well and disperse it outside, ‘making an offering of peace,’ before my presentation.

Nick thought to himself “I like Ms. Fair.”

As for Jeffrey, he got detention. He was not happy with Nick and displayed more rage.

Nick was at the High School to give a talk on discipline of the mind. Teaching kids how to let go of passed traumas and gain control of their lives. While giving talks around the country, Nick was also looking for future Recruiters for the program. He was about to find much more…possibly his successor.

The talk was to be during the time Jeffrey was locked up in solitary.

Nick was now in the auditorium, preparing the space for his demonstration. Ms. Fair walks in “Is there anything I can get you Mr. Mannis?”

Actually yes there is…could you please have Jeffrey come to this auditorium? I would like to ask for his assistance during my presentation. I assure you the experience will transform this young man.

Yes of course.

As the auditorium fills, Ms. Fair returns with Jeffrey, who is not happy to see Nick. With a look to kill an army of men, Jeffrey was placed in the front row.

Ms. Fair climbs the stairs and approaches the microphone. Good afternoon students, today we have a special treat for you. This is Mr. Nick Mannis and he is here to discuss “discipline of the mind.” He began his path with the Navy Seals, went on to receive multiple blackbelts in varying martial arts and continued his studies with Shoalin monks for 4 years before taking his message to High Schools around the country, teaching the power of the mind.

Jeffrey cackles and shouts “What am I thinking?”

I’m not a mind reader, but I am a mind writer. I write new programs, re-wiring our brains with single thoughts.

Jeffrey right?! Can I ask for your help on this demonstration? I know you and I got off on the wrong foot, but I assure you are going to want more of this.

Jeffrey takes the stage.

Ok Jeffrey, I want you to hurt me. I want you to release all your anger on me. I will sit calmly on the chair and I will signal you when I am ready.

Without signaling Jeffrey began swinging. Punching Nick in the face, chest, gut, wherever he could land a blow…even throwing a lunging kick. Strategically placing a bat against the chair, knowing Jeffrey would reach for it, bait was received.

Jeffrey took the bat, with mixed gasping and cheering audience, Jeffrey swung the bat over Nick’s head.

Cracking the Louisville slugger in half, Nick politely asked Jeffrey if he was done.

Speechless he was.

Do you want to learn this secret?

Can I teach you this technique Jeffrey?

Jeffrey did not even hesitate…”Fuck Yeah!”

Language Jeffrey…I remind him of etiquette.

Ok Jeffrey. I want you to focus on a moment in time, where you were like a rock for someone, something, some place or whatever. I just want you to imagine that you are a rock, what it takes to be a rock, and what hidden strength it may have. Can you do this?

Jeffrey not amused, but agreed to play along.

Are you certain you can do this Jeffrey?

Yes. Seems like child’s play, but yes.

Ok, that is good. I am going to ask you to close your eyes and focus everything on being a rock. No matter what you hear, you will remain unmoved. No matter what you feel, you will remain unmoved. No matter what you see in your thoughts, you will remain unmoved. Until you hear “It Is Done,” you will remain unmoved.

Ok, you ready Jeffrey?


Ok close your eyes and focus on being a rock.

As Jeffrey closed his eyes, Nick began placing other props into place: placing a two inch thick plank on the floor first, then a rock about the size of a basketball. With props placed directly in front of Jeffrey, the presentation was ready to begin. *Nick had the rock inspected by a science teacher under a magnifying glass and two kids from the school, proving authenticity of it being a solid rock.

The auditorium was completely silent.

With props in place, Jeffrey entering his space, Nick paused to clear his mind.

Leaping to action, Nick began running towards the corner of the stage. One step extending to the wall, as if he were going to run the wall.

Nick did run the wall, staggering steps from one corner of wall to other, until reaching the top of the wall. Crossing over onto metal scaffolding, extending across the stage, Nick leaped into the air with a twirling action as if spinning through the air. Spinning and twirling, whilst flying through the air directly towards Jeffrey, he transitioned from a spin into a flip, while landing into a kneeling position in front of Jeffrey. Landing a kneeling position with a downward thrust of fist, crushing the rock beneath it. All the while, Jeffrey did not move.

The auditorium began screaming in excitement.

Nick waves for silence, as he was not done.

He began pushing Jeffrey, but he did not move. “It is Done.”

As if on command, Jeffrey opened his eyes.

What did you hear Jeffrey? I heard a heartbeat echoing like in a cave.

What did you feel? Solid, connected to the Earth.

What did you see? A stone circle. Not like that one you see from Ireland or England, wherever it is from, but a circle of stones, with people laying on the ground in a circular pattern.

Very good Jeffrey…it is done indeed. Thank you for helping me with this demonstration. There will more tests in life, but first we need to prove to the auditorium that you are legitimately a rock. Jeffrey lightens his appearance to Nick and they both share a laugh.


Photo by Joeri Römer on Unsplash

Just then, the two boys who inspected the rock, also Jeffrey’s bully-henchman, yelled out “Yeah he is a rock all right!”

Please, would you two like to come up and test Jeffrey?

Snarky response “yeah will show him.”

What are you names?



Thank you for volunteering Billie and Jay.

Ok Jeffrey, same as before…no matter the senses triggered, you will remain unmoved.

Got it.

Jeffrey closed his eyes.

Instructing the boys, “Ok, move Jeffrey from his seat.”

Laughing as it was going to be a piece of cake, the boys began tugging on Jeffries close. Trying to lift him, tip him, push him, Jeffrey did not move. While one boy was trying to push Jeffrey, the other hurried to other side of stage. Before Nick could ask him to stop, he began running towards Jeffrey.


Billie was running full speed towards Jeffrey and did not hear Nick yell, but what happened next surprised Nick as much as the audience. About a foot and half away from Jeffrey, before colliding with Jeffrey, Billie hit an invisible bubble. Hitting this bubble, deflecting him away from Jeffrey, Billie was thrown to the side of Jeffrey without even making contact. The audience gasped at what just happened. Nick was impressed as well.

“It Is Done.”

Jeffries eyes open to Jay standing over him with eyes just witnessing in disbelief and Billy still getting up from the floor five feet away from him.

What did hear? The heartbeat again but only louder

What did you feel? Connected again but felt as if I was the Earth

What did you see? I saw myself expanding into a large spherical boulder bigger than this building

That was fantastic Jeffrey, you showed great discipline.

Joseph Lieungh


The Star Key

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

It started with a twenty foot inflatable “tube man” in front of our neighbors’ house. Thought it odd but laughed it off.

Do you have the “Star Key?” shouts a passerby, as he approaches hurriedly.

Panting and out of breath, he asks again.

Do you have the “Star Key?”

What are you talking about?

“Star Key,” they are here for the “Star Key!”


The Eloheems. Star people are here for the “Star Key.”

The Eloheems, unclear as it may be now, apparently turn out to be a big deal later. We will learn more of them and their origin later on.

Is that an inflatable Purple Octopus on the horizon?

Quick get in the house? Screaming to passerby as we hurry into the house. We later find Bashti (passerby)to be a member of The Divine Council.

As the door shut to our neighbor’s house, the twenty foot tubular man began moving down the street. Turning in the direction of my house, down the block, it began floating. Not sure what to call it…but floating, as if no fan connected to the lower half or tethered to any rope…it just drifted towards my house.

They are looking for the “Star Key,” and he is the key to unlocking secrets to the Universe. If captured, the Eloheems plan on taking planetary control and more.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Peeking out the window.

Circling above to what appears to be a giant floating red dragon overhead. A giant red dragon inflatable is circling the house…also turning and heading towards my house down the block. My neighbors’ house is about three or four houses away.

Oh my gosh, they are heading towards my house…the kids are there…we have to go immediately! The kids being my nephews Carter and Jaxon.

My nephews were staying with my mother at our house, while my Brother and Sister-in-law were away on vacation. We turned and headed toward my house down the block.

As we ran down the street, passing twenty foot tube man and what appeared to be a half a dozen more inflatable beings approaching from all different directions.

Flying purple octopus and flying red dragon floating in the sky, twenty foot tube man, a green inflatable thing with white fangs and a white ghost inflatable…all approaching by ground…what is happening?! The green inflatable had white fangs and tubular shaped hair that waved back and forth as if being blown by the air…it was constant and it was creepy.

We arrived at the house safely, as the inflatables do not move very fast, still uncertain to what is happening. Entering the house, noting the inflatable floating towards the house with ease.

Great! The kids are safe.

There is a knock on the back door.

Peeking out…it is a frickin blow-up pinochio!

A life-size blow-up inflatable pinochio balloon is at our back door.

Locking the door, pinochio’s nose crashes through the door and stretches into the living room.  Grabbing hold, I tear off his nose. Tearing off his nose, pinochio attends to his wound in our back yard…repairing and healing immediately. Not sure healing is the appropriate word choice, as it is a blow-up inflatable doll thing.

While that was happening in the kitchen area, Jaxon and Carter came running up the basement stairs screaming “he’s after us!” A white ghost blow-up inflatable was floating towards the boys ever so slowly…with a creepy smile attached to its face.

The boys reach the top of the stairs and I got a good look at our ghostly friend. Like a white ghost you would see on a neighbors’ lawn, with lights glowing through and a creepy smile to boot…appearing innocent but creepy vibe nonetheless.

Words began flowing from lips — Meesh kah ne tah ay! Oonah tay bok gwee nah tay!

With a thrusting motion and a final yell “bok gwee na tay,” a wave of energy blasted Casper and disintegrated. All that remained were three glowing stars the size of a marble.

Retrieving them, I returned back to the kitchen with glowing stars in hand.

There was Carter, holding what appeared to be an old-fashioned polaroid camera. But this was brilliantly white and had three open slots. About the width and height of two hand lengths, square in shape, but only the width of a smartphone. Not the plus size smartphones but smaller screen version.

I still am uncertain where the white device came from, but will learn they appear when needed for specific times. Not sure how they appeared but I did get a glimpse of holographic wrist watch appear on Carter. As he turned dials, this device appeared from thin air.

Without hesitation, I placed three glowing stars in the device. With a great humming noise, as if charging, Carter turned and points the camera at grandma in the living room.

“Quickly…Give me that! Don’t point it at grandma! Still humming and uncertain as to what it is or what could happen, I turned away from grandma (my mother).

Without knowing what it was or its origin, I pointed outward in the direction of Pinocchio who remained lurking on the back stoop.


Pinochio evaporated. All that remained…three glowing stars. Just like the ones that remained after evaporating the white ghost inflatable.

I’ve got them! Declaring that I would get them.

Quickly opening the door and dashing for the stars I am met with another inflatable: Green with white fangs and inflatable tubular hair that was flowing as controlled by wind.

Words began to flow again while positioning my hands to release a wave of energy “Meesh kah ne tah ay! Oonah tay bok gwee nah tay! Bok gwee na tay” upon the green monster. Only pushing it back a little, Jaxon tosses a chrome-plated axe-like baton with three open slots to, you guessed it…three glowing stars.

Again, this time Jaxon using a holographic armband to manifest such a device, a magical weapon appears from thin air.

Snatching stars from the stoop, left behind when pinochio evaporated, they’re a perfect fit! A latch slides closed automatically and the weapon begins vibrating and transferring immense power to me…launching me through the air with incredible distance and speed. With my new chrome-plated axe, I landed a massive blow on old greenie.

He tears open to reveal a battery source. What appeared to be a fan box, where the fan goes for inflatable costumes worn by humans (not the inflatables attached to large blower motors), was actually a clear box housing three glowing stars.

I have to remove its power source! Not knowing what I was saying at the time, but now know these stars carry massive energy and help power these beings.

Pounding on the box multiple times, with my chrome-plated axe, it releases the stars and greenie evaporates.

Reaching for the stars, I am struck by a large purple inflatable tentacle. Knocking me to the ground, purple octopus recovers the three glowing stars and creates another tan/ orange inflatable from thin air. Placing the stars into the newest addition to inflatable fleet, it comes to life.

It appears to me that purple octopus is the leader of this group and is able to create more inflatables as needed. There is also something about the power source of these stars that these inflatable desire so much.

Back in the house! Wait…is that a red dragon circling our house? Yes, a large red dragon is circling our house. Have you ever seen those giant dragon kites? It was like that but ten times bigger… enough to circle a whole city block.

*Passerby now assisting with locking all of the doors*

Who are you?!

My name is Bashti. I am a member of the Divine Council. I am here to protect the “Star Key.”

Who the fuck is the “Star Key?!”

We will learn more about the Divine Council and Bashti’s role in a moment.

Just then…Carter’s eyes began glowing. Glowing white like the glowing three stars.

Carter?! He is the “Star key?” What can he do?

He is the key to unlocking universal truths and veils between universes.


Just then Carter raised his arm, revealing a hidden chamber within his arm. Like a frickin cyborg or something…it just opened. There in his arm…three Golden Stars.

Bashti begins, “Carter was born of this Earth with the Original Breath of Creation. The Eloheems want to take control of all realms of being: Spirit world, physical world, multiverse, etc.”

Wait…who are the Eloheems?

They are direct descendants of Elohim.

As in the Great I Am?

“Yes, but they fell in love with divine power and sought to control it. The Divine Council, made up of many star beings within the multiverse, exist to control all decisions made by Elohim and carry them out. The Eloheems have become a great nuisance and seek to control divine power, ruling over all universes. You are also a direct descendant and in time will come to know how powerful you really are. Your words, controlling Sun and Moon, Earth and Sky, with an ability to alter time itself, carry great power in its breath.”

Photo by Tony Liao on Unsplash

Not knowing what to make of this as I learn: I am a direct descendant of Elohim, my nephew is the “Star Key,” we are being attacked by over-sized inflatable spirit beings called Eloheems and I now have sci-fi/ movie-like weapons of various sorts.

I understand each weapon has a purpose and for every Eloheem destroyed, we receive three glowing stars that power weapons. Also just learning from my new friend Bashti, these same stars are what connect us all. Carrying the power to destroy or create interplanetary connections and connecting beings with All There Is. Allowing the Eloheems to capture them removes our connection with the beginning…where everything exists.

Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at translating another reality…please let me know what stirs about…thank you for taking the time to read!