One Thought, One Mind

One Thought, One Mind

Recalling a time before

Photo by Rajesh Mishra on Unsplash

Have you ever been on vacation or traveled away from your community, where you have met someone and felt like you have known them for quite some time? Chances are you have not been in this lifetime but in an earlier life or one before.

Never believing in reincarnation or past lives, I found reading about people recounting past lives in different bodies and often different genders or races difficult.

Dr. Brian Weiss has done extensive research on Regression Therapy. Regression Therapy is a Psychological Study of past lives. His most famous patient, Catherine, walked Dr. Weiss through over two hundred past lives while in a hypnotic state. Her consciousness was brought to a level of the Akashic Records, a place of consciousness where all people store all thoughts and memories. The question is not how she got to this place, but the question is whether her memories were hers or someone else. Making no difference, we focus on her recollections of past lives, detailing events that actually happened and were extensively documented.

Our memories…are they ours or someone else? Are they individual memory or is it a collective whole? Again, that not being an important thought here, but an idea of recounting past life. If everything is thought and we are all connected, then everyone shares this consciousness, making us one thought, one mind.

One thought, One mind.

When we meet someone for the first time, a feeling we have met before, chances are we have in a past life or a memory stored within the Akashic Records. The significance of our meetings is similar paths we have chosen. It is often said that our paths often cross many times within multitudes of lifetimes.

Recently Oljita was traveling to foreign lands when he ran into a traveling man. The traveler was not from the area, but the two had a strong connection. His speech was of a different tongue, but his mannerisms were similar to Oljita’s. After sharing a conversation, they realized they were true, descendants of the same family and both were on the path other great Warriors have taken.

Meeting on the same level allowed these two strangers to come together collectively, only to discover they were indeed related.

In a flash, Oljita was taken back one thousand years, to a time of turmoil and rule. He found himself in darkened times where he was knighted, under the rule of a King. He recalled the traveling man being there as well, fighting together for the greater good of the people. Their main goal was to restore peace throughout the land while remaining loyal to the King.

These elite Warriors were very efficient at restoring peace and serving justice, authorized by the King “whatever means necessary.”

With the death of their King, a successor was appointed. The Knights were strong in numbers and grew far more powerful than the King himself. The successor needed to have the people’s best interest in mind. Instead began taking back land rights.

Stripping farmers and landholders’ rights to the land given to them by previous Kings. The King further Taxed the farmers on the land they used, causing great hardship. The Warriors did not rest easy with the changes at hand and began rebelling against the King, maintaining their loyalties to past leadership and being interested only in making things right for the common people.

The King did not like this and laid an executive order to execute all Warriors simultaneously on an appointed day. That day was the thirteenth of October in the year Thirteen Hundred and Fourteen. It was the largest massacre in history; tens of thousands were killed within a few hours.

Oljita recalls being aside the traveling man, fighting for the people, only to have witnessed his friend executed at the order of the King. Watching his friend go limp with no life remaining, Oljita vowed to fight, for all eternity, those lost and scared, seeking higher ground…no matter the price. That day Oljita and the traveling man gave their lives fighting for the common people of their time, and when they both returned to the present time, they remembered.

Embracing each other, shedding tears of joy, they both wept for the battles they fought. When the Traveler asked Oljita if he would do it all over again, Oljita replied…”I never stopped fighting for the greater good.” The Traveler smiled, knowing they have both been battling darkness for all eternity and Shedding Light on the darkened path. They part, saying goodbye as if they were back in ancient times.

Oljita: “Good day to you, Brother!”
traveling Man: “And to you Brother, May God shine upon you all the days of your Life.”
Oljita: “May it shine Brighter for you.”

Next time you meet someone on the same wavelength, know that you may have met before. We find common ground with strangers, as Oljita found in a single handshake. From stranger to Brother in a single moment.

Stepping into the Canvas, seeing all as Brother or Sister. There are no strangers, only friends we haven’t met. Elevating to this level, we instinctively bless all we meet. Encouraging those around us, contributing to their growth and self-worth, and allowing them to master their fate.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

An Invitation to Inner Peace

An Invitation to Inner Peace

Choosing to dance to inner solace

Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

Early on in Oljita’s coming out — obsessed with the collective grinding of fingers bones — noticing very little flesh left on his phalangeal pointers. Something had to give — before the levy breaks — washing everything away, drowning in personal misery and fear-ridden monkey-mind thought.

Were the others pretending — on prescribed or social medications? The accuser — Oljita making the shift — stepping into an arena foreign to him.

They are so happy! How can they possibly be so happy? 

Mateo greets Oljita, “what troubles you, Oljita?” 

How can they be so happy?

It is merely a feeling that grows from within. Feed this happiness, and it continues to sprout new branches — reaching for the skies with unlimited knowing — we are all here at once. Chaotic spirits play tricks on our inner psyche — pushing the peaceful self-illustrated being out to pasture.

Studying the masses — tormentors and blissful entities all around — noting the movements are either constructive or destructive — Oljita must choose which dance to partake in.

Invitation sent out — all are welcome — beings of inner turmoil and energetic shape-shifting creators presenting even more. They came in drones — an overwhelming response — to the invitation for a peaceful resolution.

Hearing what they had to say — Oljita decided to follow in the Creator’s footsteps — warrior-like mentality — never really pausing to hear what others think. Maybe just a little — with discernment of footings beat to what comes next.

Once lost — Oljita bought into the building of empirical stature and leaving legacies in his wake — falling flat on his face a thousand times, only to get up and go at it again. Missing the signs — written in the stars, book titles dropping into his lap, and even words piercing his heart — choosing to mimic ‘the others.’

Poverty thinking — is what he heard — thundering voices demanding his attention — until the noise was too great — no longer able to drown it out by addictions numbing tale. Poverty thinking — magnetic pulling of others’ poverty thinking until the levy broke — sink or swim to the other shores is what Oljita was left to sort.

Swim dammit! Telling himself with a similar deafening voice — as the ones calling to him before. Who’s voice is this? Matters not, but whether you listen to this inner voice.

Oljita steps into a valley of death — taking anywhere from a month to years of having to cross the baron desert — not knowing what awaits on the other side. Having to leave everything behind — with only a small canister of water and whatever morsels he found in the valley — spending years studying the rotten corpses left here to die.

Emerging on the other side — there truly is a land of milk and honey — angelic horns playing for yet, another arrival of warrior’s tune. Oljita climbs from the pit of despair — stepping into the ease of what may be or unknowing of day’s bringing forth.

Spirit-lifting physical and mental exhaustion — mana filling every cell — Oljita morphs for the first time. Transferring into a hawk — flying to greater heights — seeing for the first time with greater perspective.

From hawk to bear, a panther to the serpent — aware of thoughts in collective harmony and disharmony alike — Oljita sits on the hillside with his new friend Smokey Joe. Sharing a prayer — releasing all thoughts — poverty and abundant wishes passing like the westerly winds — he transforms into the prayer itself. Like a puff of smoke passing with the Creator’s breath — present are they, who speak without saying a word.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Somsubhra Banerjee, Priyanka Srivastava, and the whole Literary Impulse community for sharing this piece.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash