Free as a Bird

Free as a Bird

Singing to greet the morning’s tale

Created using CGDream

No longer bound to what is expected — spun to the rack — stretching of thoughts beyond recognition. We are centered — non-attached to clicks, likes and other social stigmatic plays.

Absent to the masses — like a ghost in a sacred mist — presenting heart-song for those in need. Snapping fingers, clicking heels — tooth pulling no longer true. Present are we.

Enters the Dragon — serpentine pulling of jaded past — slithering forward songs in expansive amusement. I Am. Believing in greater — songs of transforming truth — expansive ambiguity — heart embodied to All there Is.

Sing! Sing motherfucker, sing! That is what he said once before.

And so it was written.

~Ani Po

Thank you for holding this sacred space at KTHT. Thank you Diana C.and May More.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Created with CGDream

Choice Offers Reward or Consequences

Choice Offers Reward or Consequences

the art of ikigai

Photo by Cody Doherty on Unsplash

Purpose seeker finds her way, choice offering reward or consequence,
heart-strings playing on inner-calling, ikigai the art of doing something.

Stars aligning in joyous harmonious timing, ikigai the art of doing something,
not w/o trials errors unfolding, universal cause and effect laws still residing.

Actions speaking louder words, universal cause and effect laws still residing,
abstention sharing invested stocks, frozen time or continual changing winds.

Seek happiness, or is it finding us? Frozen time or continual changing winds.
guiding purpose losing century, blind-eye persisting, one day it just shows up.

Rod and Jerry offering up Quan ambassador one day, and it just shows up,
deep understanding, intricate findings, simplistic offerings of everlasting joy.

Long working bloody knuckled bones, simplistic offerings of everlasting joy,
glimpsing snot-nosed telling so, mastering the puzzle of life’s unfolding art.

Traveling broken shadowy roads, mastering the puzzle of life’s unfolding art,
answers clear forever w/in Canvas, rewarding choice offering consequence.

~ Ani Po

Thank you . and Literary Impulse (Shabd Aaweg) for the 30-day poetry challenges. Know Thyself Heal Thyself offering a challenge of Choice Offers Reward or Consequences while Literary Impulse (Shabd Aaweg)offering a daily topic, choosing ikigai from day 14. My hopes were to fuse the two, creating a duplex that will reach the reader.

This is Day 7 of 30-day poetry challenge

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash