Holding Space

There is a pill for everything and nearly always someone willing to tell us what we need. The truth of the matter is we need very little. If there is an affliction, addiction or attachment to any one thing, holding space within the Canvas, for oneself or for another, shall aide the healing process innately given to us all.

What does it mean to hold space? Holding space can be done on a personal level and/or practiced to aide another person, while they return to a healing process naturally given to us all. Holding space is a process of ‘holding one’s ground’ in a non-confrontational, non-judgmental fashion…merely, we are observing the circumstances at hand.

To hold space, one must be willing to free themselves of thoughts associated with feelings towards a given situation. Merely observing the given situation, attending to both sides of the story and choosing the most appropriate path to be taken. While assisting another, the same willingness to sit quietly as an observer applies.

Assisting another

Holding space for another means to ‘hold the ground’ for them without offering suggestions as to how something should be done. Instead imagine you are the anchor grounding them, as they seek higher plains for answers. If questions are asked of us, be careful not to offer answers but offer suggestions without direct ‘should‘ or ‘should not‘ type answers.

Storytelling works well in these situations. We can either tell a story of self-discovery or we can tell a story of another, with applicability to given situations. The most important thing is to keep the story open for interpretation…not yours, but the other persons understanding.

Ever notice the defiance of children? or their stubbornness to take direction? Believe it or not…they are holding their space. They are master space holders. ‘Be like a child’ is what we aught to do. Observe a child and how they learn…it is through self-discovery. Be like a child…enter every moment in awe.

The Self

Holding Space for the self can be accomplished in many ways. Meditation is a good practice, but cannot always be practiced. i.e. if we are at work with a difficult situation, we may not be able to get into a lotus position in search of the answers. We can however focus on the breath, being present, allowing the situation to unfold before us. Without judgment or self premeditated beliefs, we can simply observe and allow the answers to present themselves. The key is to ‘stand your ground’ in a neutral posture, sending loving thoughts of healing to given circumstances.

Holding space for self does not cost a thing. Therefore, we do not need to go to expensive seminars for it. In fact, if the intent is there and the seeker remains in search of answers…Spirit will always deliver. If it is via Spirit it will be effortless and right on time (note: may not come without pain as often times we have to shed layers of roadblocks before reaching the source). Seminars may be a catalyst, just as a stone or crystal may assist in reaching a specific vibration of healing…allowing answers to flow more freely.

Raising the Vibration

Holding Space for self or another is merely raising the natural state of homeostasis within our body…raising our own vibration to that of a ‘higher-self.‘ Holding our space we elevate to neutral ground, allowing healing to take place. Whether mental, physical or spiritual…healing begins. I use a deliberate emphasis of neutral ground…for both Love and Hate exist on this plain…we merely choose which path to follow.

Stepping into the Canvas with Loving steps and purest of intent, whether for self or another…we walk gracefully in search of solutions. Accepting what was, what could be…we accept what is. Smiling with awe, we come to know this place as a magical place of infinite possibilities…Ani Po

holding space




I Receive What I Need

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.~Tao Te Ching

Just like many people, I fell into a trap of never having enough or fell victim to the belief of having to be something I was not. In letting go of what I was taught, I received a valuable lesson that Spirit handed to me. It is in our letting go of any attachments that we receive exactly what we need for the given situations.

Knowing what I know, the Canvas of Life is definitely brighter, more playful and ever-so peaceful. Stepping into the Canvas with all I need…

I receive what I need