Divine Intervention


Have you ever had an experience of coincidence? Or something happened within your life, you were convinced there was Divine Intervention? If we all learn to look closely, we can all recall these special moments of Syncrosensational.

Before coming out, I used to think life was filled with coincidences and could not really grasp how things happen. I say coming out, not for typical reasons but for my spiritual rebirth. Not that I was a bad person, but I was merely awaken to the truth of all there is. Now awake, I see through the eyes of creation…allowing a more interactive approach with the creative process of life.

One example that always comes, is the coincidence of conceiving our first child. Was it a coincidence or was it meant to be? My wife and I were living in Florida at the time and we had tried to get pregnant for close to three years. Both being born and raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin, we questioned if the timing was right for having children in another state. After trying for three years, with no success, we thought it be better to return to our birth place.

No sooner we got home to Wisconsin, we were pregnant. I swear to this day, the moment my wife crossed the Wisconsin border, she was impregnated. Joking about the ease of conception we agreed Divine intervention was at play, accepting our decision to return home as it was meant to be. Had we stayed in Florida, we may have never conceived our first child. Coincidence? Did we create the difficulty of pregnancy with our thoughts of hesitation? Regardless, we were home.

Whether it was coincidence or Divine Intervention, we knew that everything was right on time. Now blessed with two beautiful children, we see the world from different eyes…eyes of creation.

Through the eyes of creation we see life is meant to be enjoyed, worrying not about what we could have done or what we did not accomplish…merely accepting things as they are and as they come into our lives. Moment to moment we enjoy all there is within the Canvas of Life. If there is a cause we feel drawn to we help; if we cannot we send Love. Whatever the involvement, it is accomplished through eyes of compassion.

They say that everything happens for a reason, this I know for a fact as we have two beautiful children to remind the possibilities of getting out of the way. Getting out of the way of creation, life is that much more of ease…not of disease.

Stepping into the Canvas as co-creators. As we accept the path laid before us, taking each moment as Divine Intervention, life itself becomes a fairy tale. Focusing, not on lack but that of abundance. Focusing on abundance, or the ‘active side of infinity,’ more of our desires present themselves in our daily lives.

heart in hand

A New Sensation


Our days come down to choice: we could either live in misery because of our surrounding suffering, or choose happiness accepting ALL the many mysteries Life has to offer.

People say this is crazy, fantasy world, or even try to attack us where we lay. Sadly, those transgressors will remain in their own misery. Gladly, we are not there to enjoy their misery. Staying focused on what we want…we shall have it.

The laws of nature say we live in polarity. We have positive and negative, north and south, etc. While dualistic by nature, we do not have to follow both ways. We have the innate ability to remain positive even when the fit hits the shan.

Listening to a throwback song, by INXS, a new sensation is available to all. With a single thought we can change the whole outcome of our day. How is this so? We make the choice to make it so.

However we choose to live is our choice, how we internalize our surroundings…yet another choice. If we attach to expected outcomes, we are often times left disappointed. Enjoying the moments along the way, we are left in awe by the many lessons of the day…letting go of the outcomes or who we think we should be…we allow our true self to enter the picture.

When we let go of all attachment to material or gain, we are left again to enjoy the moments of awe…remaining true to our cause. How does one let go, especially when we are hurt? It is simple…wipe the dirt off and regroup. Regrouping, we allow ourselves to get back on track with what matters most…enjoyment.

We are not meant to live within the canvas of life in misery. instead we are meant to enjoy the many colors splattered within our days. In doing so, we find more happiness in whatever comes our way. Stay the course…you are on the right track.

So Live baby Live, now that the night is over; Sleep baby Sleep…there is something we ought to do…right now. It is a new sensation and we are left with the choice to make it so.

Stepping into the Canvas in Natural timing. Nature, whether we choose to believe it or not, will go on…why not go with the flow. We do not have to wait to find this happiness or dwell on what if, instead we are meant to live life to the fullest, making dreams a reality. Go now…enjoy the New Sensation.

butterfly love