Darkness Shadowing Light
Remaining focused on the Giver of Light
Drawn to the darkest aspects of collective revelations — no more driven by fear or painful misery — accepting a lighter approach to daily living. Once bitten — serpents tempestuous song — decades of sorrow, life-ending pleas.
Familiar is the fleeting thought — protecting the innocence of inner knowing — calling of another voice from high on the Mount of Olives. Negotiating contractual rights — existing in plain sight — hidden from those drinking the collective drink.
Bittersweet — a pungent turning of spoiling flesh — a serpent shedding its skin — bathing in cleansing waters. Floating amidst the ancient ones — emitting crystalline wafting wafers — left for consumption of those willing to plunge deeper.
Into the cosmos — self-realizing truths — inner to outer rings of furthest galaxies, it is so. As above, so below — as it was spoken before — as real today as before.
Acknowledging the flesh-eating, self-defeating thought — accepting the easement into the greatest ease. As one wing leads to the left, the other right — remains indifferent to the whole aviary flight.
We are the whole bird — darkness shadowing light. No longer attentive to the despairing clouds — remaining focused on the giver of light.
~ Ani Po