Delving Into the Watery Realms of Emotion

Photo by Musaib iqbal on Unsplash

Delving into the watery realms of emotion

Day 1 of prompted 30 day challenge

Can we sustain this connection,
vibratory placement in sources natural flow?
Body shaking,
stomachs flip-flop,
somersaulting on its head.
In the “know,”
In the flow,
Natures flow emotional release.
excitation all the same in this space.
In this space,
we are delving into the watery realms of emotion.

~Ani Po

Photo by Angus Gray on Unsplash

We know those moments when Spirit fills our thoughts, felt deep within our souls, bodies, an all-encompassing feeling of higher vibration. Goosebumps, tingling throughout our bodies, or even uncontrollable flowing of tears loving memories.

Whether painful or joyous situations, heartfelt instances creating an overwhelming, irrepressible emotions flow like a flood gate or gentle welling in the eyes. Whenever the heartfelt moment arises, whether painful or glad tidings, it is the same feeling often times.

The difference may be whether we feel goosebumps or we tremble through having to carry out painful news or experience the same. Still the watery realms remain.

Thank you . for this 30-day challenge, to which I accept, promising to do my best.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash
Photo by Javardh on Unsplash