Let’s be done with colors of gray or brilliance of Hughes…for beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Whether seen as misery or as beauty resides within the eye of the beholder. Stepping into the Canvas with an open heart and thoughts of compassion, see the brilliance around you today enjoying this special day.
Just as the rooster crowed twice and Peter denied Christ three times, the words self-discipline appear a third time today…sending a message clear. Whenever something comes across our radar, pay attention. When it happens thrice…really pay attention. Messages are usually on purpose and have a direct guidance for our journey of life. Peter denied this warning, but the prophecy came true anyway. Would the outcome have changed if Peter listened to the warning? In this case probably not, but in our warnings it can. We must pay attention and be open to the signs that appear before us.
Dreams and thoughts of positivity standalone,
while love and self-discipline guide us to our destination.
~Joseph Lieungh
Reflecting on self-discipline, it is in our power to change our reality. Listen to the other ninety-nine percent of the world and we shall be led astray. Following the one-percent, we shall follow the internal guidance of our own personal GPS (God Positioning System). Trust these instincts and follow them no matter what others say or do to stop you. Remain calm and trust that all we have a happy ending.
This came very timely and shall cause much self-reflection on my part. When signs of three enter your radar screen…pay attention to the message being sent…guaranteed it is important for our journey of life.
Stepping into the Canvas with an open heart and thoughts of compassion, see the brilliance around you today enjoying this special day. Be open to whatever comes your way…be open to change.
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