Eating Crow
Knowing when your reality has skewed
By day, the Raven and Hawk joined hands
writing reality into existence
squawk, then screech, disagreement
throwing them in opposite directions.
Feeding on the innocent
devouring the meek and mild
with an unsettling taste in the mouth.
Perched on antagonistic branches of life
seeing the world crumble before them.
Empty is the pit,
deep within the bowels of thought
undigested morsels of pleasantries
uncertainties of Merlin’s creative hold.
By night, a Hooter calls out
a peaceful retort to day-to-day
illicit accusations fly.
My heart pours outwardly
rejoicing for those knowing
yesterday melting on hot summer’s day
forever holding true
to The Way.
Return of the feathered friends
joining in laughter
recalling the days before
hummingbird ebbs and flows.
~ Ani Po
Timely is this piece, for self and nobody other but true to self-understanding of how we carry ourselves in this broken world of realities.
My observations, having to eat crow or humble pie, as another puts it, allow me to reset my sails in this ever-changing wind called life.
My aim in writing is not about making money or gaining fame but more about helping another rethink their words or actions in their moments moving forward.
I rejoice, especially for those who find their way — footing on this broken ground, but surprisingly I come to another rejoice — of those painstakingly having to eat crow as I have once before, not for personal affirmation, but for feeling how it might sit within our digestive tracks.
Thank you, Literary Impulse, for housing these words and Somsubhra Banerjee for encouraging me to shine.
I leave you with inspiring words by Blondie, “Tonight, make it magnificent.”