![magic lamp](https://i0.wp.com/www.steppingintothecanvas.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/magic-lamp.jpeg?resize=250%2C202&ssl=1)
Not sure if this mirrors your life, but I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have tried something new, only to move on or back to something I loved doing…going back and forth yet again…endlessly. For me there is wisdom in this back and forth behavior…just when I think something is the way…it is no longer the way and I return back to the basics of life…being happy with what I do. Through indecisiveness, we find decisiveness. Our confusion comes from listening to everyone else and living the life they say we should. Instead consider living the life you choose to.
When things are not going our way, sit and contemplate the next move. The magic formula resides within ourselves. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Asking for guidance or assistance…guaranteed it will present itself. Our thoughts become things, but it is through our intent and our actions that drives our thoughts into reality.
Think it, breathe it and know it to be true.
Think it, act upon it, making it a reality.
~Ani Po
Stepping into the Canvas with a magic Key. The key remains, and always will be, within the self. While others may be the catalyst, realize the answers have always been inside you. The key to our success is not the amount of money we make, but how we make it. The key to our happiness is not how we attain it, but how we accept it. Insert the Key to Life’s many mysteries…turn the key…and live in paradise.
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