And the day has come to let the fire burn from within, lighting a new path without.~Ani Po
There remains a fire within the burns hot with desire. We listen to those around us and the fire is squelched. Listen to the inner voice, allowing that fire to burn as wildly as we can. It is our burning to desire to be that which we came here to be…it is time.
Until that day our cries are heard and the music within begins to sing. The Canvas before us awaits our special touch and is creation who rejoices at our inner most desires. Embracing our desires we look to new beginnings, new directions…setting the world on fire. It is not our intent to bring harm to another for the remaining days, but to lift them up so that we may join in the rejoicing sounds of a harmonious melody.
Stepping into the Canvas with a fire in the belly. That which burns with desire within so shall be without. Setting our desires free into the world we set our soul on fire…remaining free forevermore…
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