Garden of Compassion

Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in you life’s search for love and wisdom.~Rumi

There is a sense of non-attachment here. When we attach to things, whether material or no-material, we open ourselves up for pain and suffering. Letting go of all expectations, we allow ourselves to move freely passed a said unfortunate moment. Instead of suffering, we learn and grow from the present circumstances.

Setting intentions for the day, week or even longer, our thoughts are set in motion for unlimited possibilities. Rejoice along the way whether as expected or not so much. Through the process of setting intentions we are painting a masterpiece upon the Canvas of Life.

Stepping into the Canvas painting with an open heart. We are here to create, observe, rejoice and repeat it all over. Sing and Dance, laugh and play, remaining in balance along the way.
