Poetry and Prompted thoughts
In Perpetuum Paradoxical Transmission
Spell casting intent, daily routines
Words are chosen for the day, actions deep-rooted into self-taught reflective voice beginning with breath softly spoken unwritten rules of engagement. Not because they said so but more of how not to be mirrored back realities of self-inflicting pain carried by traumatic existence intrinsic lessons of the day.
Step graciously, kissing morning earthbound love-inflicting course deep within our core systems reflective voice singing truth with sharpened swords cutting further — deeper into what feels true to self. Speaking louder than galactic whirlwind stage-setting possibility of what may be.
Prompted course transitive conscious from the unconscious hidden treasure trove — to a thought-based intentional path taken by wandering souls — spell caring provisionary self-reliable anecdotes given humor medicinal approach with every prize in opened box.
Switch-words, casting forth words of paradoxical transmission — of fore bearing monkey shines upon our day. Animistic approach or steadfast footing upon mother’s bosom, yet forgotten to smile with servitude presenting opportunistic moments in faded and illusory realities to the many — observing the observer, as she steps in and out of physical presence, spiritually called if you will, whatever the labels of things and human form permit.
Older than the Ulchi spirit insitu, ritualistic modus operandi ceremonial garb always present linear and nonalike, hearts transcending song breaking all limitations-bonding to thereafter. That which is not seen present here, past constraining forces within and outside of self, future unfolding as it was in the beginning and now in Perpetuum.
~ Ani Po
For this piece, I know many would love a decoder ring. Instead, this is an invite to ponder these words and allow any imagery to come forward. It could be a thought, a picture in your mind’s eye, a voice from the past or whatever. This is a play on words, triggers if you will, allowing the subconscious to leap out in front. Please do let me know whatever jumps out.
Thank you Diana C. for this weeks prompt, always a delight.