Monday Prompt
Into the Night
Shadow and Lantern joining hand
Sitting at the crossroads of yet another trying tide of change — whispers my soul to mind, body forgetting the roads traveled before. Walls are crumbling, bombs on the shores of mankind’s collective thinking — this is how it is.
Darkened nights envelop my thoughts — closing in as if trapped by the day’s circumstances — searching for another answer to life’s mysterious puzzles laid out for all to see. Paused reflection coursing through my veins — pulsating with ancient tunes of transmuting vibratory feelings — yin and yang held in each hand while walking a tightrope over molten rivers.
Lightning strikes in the heart unto me. Seeking no longer a questioning tale but affirmative action — heading straight into the storm. Raising of Thor’s hammer — calling on the strength of ancestral and universal thought — guided by self-knowing I am the sun and the moon rulers of day and night.
Clouds continue their roll, stirring winds raising spirited uplifting beats — drumming against and fusing sounds of light and dark breaking into song. At chakras root to crown echoing shared — healing spirals of helical braided course — intertwining, interchanging thought of yesterday, present be and future gaze.
Torchlight is fading to dusted roads — encompassed by sacred remembrance — I am here, now — always — ever-changing the rules written upon the collective. Inward gazing pondered from before — the beginning was absent of light — melted into a slugging pool of distracted minds confirming to the neighbors’ son.
Heart bursting into sacred song — written on my heart — shared for all to hear — the songbirds sing in preparation for budding leaves — letting go of seasonal change. Lighting a sacred flame — fanning fire’s cleansing voice — becoming. Breathing in transgressors’ oppressive tune — altering chords and singing anew.
Merely a spark — part of Great Mysteries lantern — noteworthy are the written keys, feathered friends and all there ever was.
~ Ani Po
Much gratitude to Jason Edmunds and A Taste for Life, for sharing these words, prompted space and inspired tune.
While writing today, loop pedal activated to The Lantern by Beats Antique. If you feel inspired to, please read and then listen to the shared tune. Does the feeling shift? Would love to hear.