Letting Go of Herd Mentality
Wander in wonder little black sheep
Let me start by stating not everyone follows the day-to-day dogmatic learned behaviors, following blindly into concrete, pressed-in-stone ways of thinking.
Belief in absolute does not compute for these visionary dreamers with altered realities as potential outcomes, the end resulting fact not backed by scientific discovery-yet!
I applaud you, star-gazers, seeing the unseen not yet discovered and often unable to be proven by the hard-pressed fact-checkers unable to see beyond their noses-and that is ok too.
Stay the course, in and out of physical and spiritual realms of rumination, adapting, adopting, max-extreme understanding there’s always more than meets the eye.
Stay the course, letting go of visual identity, walking away from FOMO and undertones of fear-based realities-letting go of herd mentality.
~ Ani Po
FOMO is an acronym for “fear of missing out,” and often we are worried about what the others may or may not be doing. Their beliefs, so convincing, daily actions without discernment. They go where they are told, where others go, without being true to self. Not you dreamers! You are wanderers in this great canvas of life, connecting with natural ways and reaching for deeper bonds with Great Mystery.
Thank you Diana C. for this opportunity to share Day 23 of a 30-day poetry challenge.