Mindful Existence
Everyday lessons of returning to mindfulness
We wake to a constant disagreement between the right and left. Unsure of who is right or wrong. Is there a right or wrong? Is it perceptually understood as such?
In the Midwest, during the first snowfall, there are extremists pointing fingers at the other side. Fearlessly driving too fast for slippery conditions, pointing fingers at the fear-ridden or cautious of sorts for driving too cautious. Or the cautious blaming the fearless for accidents.
Who is right? Both!
The cautious creating a wall undetectable to the fearless until it is too late for response…causing a step on the brakes just a wee bit too hard…losing control and swerving either into a ditch or another vehicle.
Who is right, and who is wrong? Is it a matter of being right or wrong? Instead, is it a matter of not being aware of the current situation?
Mindfulness in a single moment extends throughout our days. Mindfulness can support us during times of fear, likewise, in times of haste. Mind is clear of clouded thoughts, clarity restored, and greater awareness of our surroundings, those who play and interact with us in this Great Canvas, we mindfully exist in a place of sacred space…
Thank you Diana C., jules, Ravyne Hawke and Spyder for holding this sacred space within Know Thyself Heal Thyself.
The above scenario is not really about being right or wrong, in my opinion, but more about how humans work together. Some have different viewpoints and may not always fit into our perception of reality.
Are we attached to being right or wrong? Having an attachment to this or that? If so, we are left in disagreement with ourselves and others, causing disharmony with all of the above.
Continue driving slower than the rest, or speed like you are always late. Regardless of reality, both having consequences. Returning to the greater picture of all there is, we can foresee the varying reactions of others and anticipate our next step.
Parnelli swerves right
dodging in and out
gracefully remaining
the lane set before us.
Frustration and disgust
or pure joy
in learning a new step
dancing with in
the Canvas of Life.
~Ani Po