As we converse with another and our vibration rises to that of feeling good, we are witnessing ourselves. Opposing, when we converse with someone that brings us down, we are seeing ourselves. How can this be true? How can we see ourselves in another when they are a downer and/or an uplifting person? Truthfully, we have the ability to be either a ‘Debby Downer’ or a ‘Happy Pappy,’ it merely comes down to choice. How we see others is how we want to be seen.
It is said that when we are feeling good, we are feeling God and when we are not feeling good, we are lacking Source Energy. However…if there is no place He is not and God is everywhere…even when we are down, then we need only realize this to pick ourselves up. Usually through acts of gratitude or forgiveness we ascend to the level of higher vibrations.
Those who make us feel good, are those we wish to emanate…carrying the higher vibration we seek. By emanating them does not mean we idolize them. It merely means we are trying to better ourselves to that which we most desire…our higher self. Seeing someone who resembles those levels, we naturally gravitate towards them.
Similarly, when we exude elevated levels of consciousness, there are others who will want to mirror them. A word of caution: As we gain more confidence in our being, there will be those who challenge us…trying to bring us back down to levels of fear and anger. Stay the course, remaining at levels of joy and happiness. There are those who will bring us down with a sharpened tongue or raise us up with a helpful hand…choose wisely who we associate with.
There is yet another way to this mirror effect. The mirror-effect is that process of mirroring that which we most desire. Therefore, if we want to raise our vibration to that of love, we could adopt the principles of others and emanate them. Or we can just choose to be that of Love. The mirror effect can work on the outer plains, but is most effective when we enter the inner plains. Changing the inner plains to that of Love, or allowing Love to prevail, we then begin projecting Love outwards to the outer realms of our realities.
We can easily go from beehive to beehive to find the latest buzz, but then eventually we get stung. Eventually we let go of the belief of “I have to do this or that” and we simply choose to be happy…wherever we go. Traveling inward, often the hardest thing to do, is the greatest journey of this lifetime. ~Ani Po
Stepping into the Canvas with mirror in hand, seeing the Canvas only as we see fit. That which we most desire, shall be accepted on the inner realms, projected toward the outer realms. As we clear the internal Canvas of life, our outer Canvas is made new. Painted in Love and Peace, we project a new painting each new day.