I can still hear my father’s wisdom over the years and lucky to still have him around, sharing wisdom of his life experiences. He has shared so much wisdom through the years, but being young, I didn’t listen. Until now the words and wisdom ring true in my own life, passing them onto the next generation.
Things like: “everything in moderation”;” everything has a purpose”; “be kind”; “be prepared. But my favorite is this: “remember where you started.” The latter of these, remains layered. While at first glance it takes a meaning of socioeconomic status, but upon further discovery, becomes something far greater.
I reflect on this lesson often, but this morning brought it to the forefront of thoughts as I was given the ‘cheap seats.’ Something to be said about getting your favorite locker each and every morning, for the past five or six years at 5 AM. Not sure if it is the conformity and ritual of our days, or feeling special, that brings us the most joy.
Happiness begins at the end of one’s comfort zone.~Neale Donald Walsch
Given a locker on the other side of the locker room, it felt like I had been stripped from the ranks of the important people. This is ego-thinking. After further review of the situation, It brought gratitude. Gratitude for the fact that I even got a locker. Thanking the person at the front desk, they thought I was being facetious. I would too. But in all sincerity I looked to her, smiled and said, “no really, I am grateful for the locker and I am grateful of your cheerful smile everyday. Thank you. Thank you for brightening my day and bringing a lesson of my father back to the forefront.”
Returning the facetious gestures or what she thought was facetious, she said, knowing that I write about my days, please don’t write about me in your daily blog. Laughing now, I go on my day. Thank you Debbie…you are one in a million.
So where did we come from? Where are we going? We all seek this answer, but never really get the answers. Or do we?!
There are some who obviously have started with nothing, judging by their socioeconomic status. There are those who’ve been handed a golden spoon, never really knowing what it is to struggle. Either way both groups never really have a good understanding of reality. Unless the other is willing to learn from the other, person will never know what it’s like. This is true about all groups and all sectors. If we’re unwilling to learn from our neighbors, we will never know how they live. Remove the socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, and we all come from the same place. We have all come from the womb, entering this world with nothing….leaving with nothing. The illusion is we think we are this or that or the materials we accrue over the years. We associate our self-worth by the materials collected versus our happiness collected.
Truthfully I say to you, we are not the material “stuff,” we are not how high on the socioeconomic ladder we get…we Just are. We are in this together, whether we like it or not. We are here to get along…and need to start acting like it. Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Throughout our day, as we take in the beauty, we are given opportunities to say thank you. Thank you for the beautiful day painted before us; thank you for the backdrop of the sun and the blood red sky in the East; thank you for the clouds that cover us; thank you for everything around us; Thank you for the opportunities! As we go in gratitude…we become more accepting of the differences of our brothers and sisters, leading to more gratitude. Lend a hand, study with them, learn from them, grow from them…we are all here to learn from each other.
Then the dust shall return to the earth as it was; and the Spirit shall return to God who gave it. ~Ecclesiastes 12:7
Going back to the beginning, within it all, all thoughts are born. Our intentions are manifested out into the world…we have to feel it and believe it. As the ego dies, Spirit is born within each and everyone of us. Our own death, and resurrection of Christ within, is symbolic of: protection, life, unconditional love, new beginnings, connections, life ever-lasting. When humbled and able to extend our arms, vulnerable, in full submission, we are made strong.
We are the beginning and the end and need only travel the path of other warriors before us. The path less traveled, but the most important towards our own happiness. The path least traveled is the path inward. Inward we find nothing, yielding everything. In nothingness, we project outwards…everything!
From Source we came; To Source we return.~Ani Po
Peeling our own layers, we discover new meanings to life itself. Things that once made sense no longer do; things not apparent, shall be made so. The lessons of our own fathers, shall be made known by Our Father. Through the inward journey, we discover the child within…through this child, we discover the Father without.
Stepping into the Canvas in remembrance. Remembering where we started, peeling back even more layers, we arrive at a place of oneness. Accepting all as it is, more importantly accepting our true nature…that of Love. Walking in true nature…we plant seeds for brighter days…carrying the Light of the world…ending in pure Bliss.