Revisiting the Past to Gain Forward Progress
Residues of a life yet to be lived
In looking back on life, we could easily hold grudges or use events as excuses as to why not things worked as they should have. Or we could accept them as they were, knowing exactly where we’re supposed to be. Again — it is merely a choice.
What if we are not where we would like to be? Then I guess the universal forces are calling to make necessary changes in our lives. There is always an opportunity for change, and the time is always now. What holds us back?
Holding to the past, we cannot grasp the future. Letting go of the past, accepting everything as ‘it should be,’ we allow ourselves a clearer understanding of what we are to do. What is it that we are supposed to do? Live.
Living in the past, we cannot fully live, as we are weighed down by the shortcomings or excuses to what might be. Look back, reflect — letting go. A new day is upon us — a new opportunity to Live.
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.~Soren Kierkegaard
Looking back, not on the dwelling of things
but glimpses of trials, tribulations
tortuous feats of endless battling thoughts
not of own self-inflicting per se
but collective well-being in question
of every instance of life not knowing.
Gathering data, crunching numbers, and probabilities
life misfortunes or miraculous recoveries and such
is the gaze into one’s heart-voided-soul
crying out for infinite possibilities to present
themselves to thee — knocking on heaven’s door
in this lifetime, not the afterlife.
Poseidon’s breath, trident’s three
body, mind, and spirit
personal trinity of life-altering creativity
giving birth to new thoughts
new ways of being
gathering residues of a life yet to be lived.
~ Ani Po
Thank you Diana C. for another lovely prompt, for the sacred space you have built, and the whole KTHT family — now topping seven thousand!