Breath-Releasing Transmuted Thought
from disbelief to faith-altering cosmic waves of anticipation
Gone are the processed and regurgitating thoughts — erasing words, tracing steps, or recounting the falling stars. Challenged to remove all conflict — passing by missed water adventures — sinking of one’s ship.
Sitting quietly on clouded days — painting blanketing sky vibrantly with a purpled sun — golden bright daffodils smiling in affirmation. The storm continues — we are — a tornadic eye at the center of its wings.
Mongolian warriors appear in full dressed — carrying away any remains. Dragon’s breath — continued burning of evaporating thought — dust shalt only remain.
Carried with a magnetic draw — iron ore fragmented slivers dangling from life’s pocketed exchange. Fire in the belly — stirring once again — bursting into a wildfire of cleansing song.
Collapse at the foot of the maple tree — singing — writing a new day into a brighter existence. Shrouded by disbelief — transmuting vibrational altering tunes — harmonic-like focus — fine-tuning of the vocals healing through.
It is done — breath-releasing transmuted thoughts — from disbelief to faith-altering cosmic waves of anticipation — excitation of coming chapters. Water definitely not included — land lover walking through the valley — wishful good tidings to all the sea fishes.
Call to the sea — gathering all the drowning thoughts — tidepools — waves — watered down tornadic eye fleeting black hole into The Great Sea of Canvas’ amass. It is done — release.
~ Ani Po
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