Self-Actualizing Inner Workings of Planted Seeds Giving Birth to New Realities

Imagination is the tool to shift your reality: prompt

Self-Actualizing Inner Workings of Planted Seeds Giving Birth to New Realities

Decades of preparing, reclaiming who we truly are

Photo by Frank Zinsli on Unsplash

There is a stirring of uneasy feelings or sensory overload of energetic beings presenting glimpses into an idea taking form. Seed planting decades ago — watered and cultivated through the darkest of moments, waiting for the right time to give birth to a new way of living.

The time is now — after digging up old dirt, replacing it with fresh earth and new daily practices — often looked upon as weird or non-conformed, slowly becoming more acceptable for a coming out of ideas. Uncertainty about what may come to be — quietly, patiently waiting for the imaginary senses to kick in, accepting that this has been The Way all along.

Like the time before — stepping into the light of day for the first stage of self-transforming without fully understanding what is happening, trusting the process of a complete metamorphosis of self — going into darkness, chrysalis, and dissolving every cell of remembrance as to how things ought to be.

Once forgotten gift — imaginary transmuted thoughts into brighter reality within our day-to-day, believing there is more — than a fixed outcome from dawn to dusk — crowning begins like a baby greeting the world for the first time, tasting the sweetest of fruits, planted pre-wintery hibernation into the darkest of days.

Giddy and silly — daily routine begins to shift — taking more time for self-healing moments and shedding the dust accumulating upon our sandals. Sitting, contemplating — accepting something greater — springing forth a new idea handed down from the creative process held by cosmic proportions.

Holding space — self-healing light — expanding to familial and ancestral timelines — further into the community’s broken estimation — follow-up needed with every breath sitting in sacred fashion. We are healed — we are whole — we are holy — we are one.

~ Ani Po

When I was a child, my imagination was free to create and roam in other realities, while others began forcing my hand into their realities. Dropping a seed of remembrance into a time capsule for an older self to find a well-nourished reality.

Watered by stories of others, following what the others told me to do. Pain stirring in self as traumatic events followed my every step. I did whatever the others told me to be ‘normal.’

Through years of physical and mental pain, spiritual death was knocking at my door. I would open this door and see who is there.

It was my younger self, or older soul if that is what is believed, inviting me to take a walk into the Great Canvas of Life — witnessing colors spread with a magical brush, through darkened periods and into a golden age yet to present itself.

We walked through self-doubting Thomas’ story-lines until left at the crossroads of life. Do we go down the path that everyone follows, or do we travel the path for ourselves? Self it is, as we became I and I alone walking uncharted roads, becoming we once again but in a different light.

The ground disappears — walking through space itself — into a time of complete creation of self-realizing thought. Comets whipping by, spirits whispering admiration, expanding golden rays once present, before birthing a physical self.

Hallucinating or make-believe matters not what others think. It is time to create a new reality that fits inside and outside this boxed reality presented by the collective. I believe.

Like the big bang of old, written in texts of our existence, clarity is at hand, and all the story-lines come to a head, fusing into all existence of self-made knowing as truth not to be understood by all but becoming the all.

Leaving the door open to the others, allowing access if they wish, we sit in the center of a Great Canvas that has no beginning and no end.

Thank you Jean Carfantan for this prompt, allowing my mind expansive fields to roam and for taking me on my own self-reflection of the path leading us home.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Into the Valley of Death we Return

Poetic prose fusing of prompts

Into the Valley of Death we Return

knowingly returning to our darkest moments

Photo by Julien Cavandoli on Unsplash

A thousand journey steps — leading to this moment in time — surrounded by vertices of voices echoing pain and suffering — handed down from generation to generation — historical fact or fiction left for interpretation of the self-realized.

Like the breath of decay lurking the backside of a barn — doors opening to new beginnings thought processes the same. More painful is the stay — extending like motel six, leaving a light on for the seeker — of something greater than taught run-up to current second splitting time.

Into the Valley of death, shadow-filled misery — very few traveling this barren desert, filled with past and present participles of self-loathing befriending death — knocking at awakening’s door. Sacred, afraid, and often alone — in our suffering, we must go, not for them but self alone.

Regret, not for the words spoken, but those not — sharing in silence as the others bash the brains of innocence. Attached not to the words spoken or inarticulate verbiage — leaving carnage of another sort behind.

Once freely spoken — like a virus or dysentery’s rim, hushed by wisdom’s voice — silently whispering into the auditory canal’s vibratory resonating sounds. Hard to swallow or no longer interested in feasting on the beast — seducing lips of another’s accord, we enter a vow of silence.

Traversing Valley’s judgmental song — carried by forefathers sharpened tongues on whetstone’s blackened heart — returning to the center of all universal thoughts — of the creating motivational irony of sacred canticle — we arrive at a home where we hang our hats.

Present be — holding sacred space for self — guarding 24-carat fields of self-building, self-realizing we are as perfect as the morning sun. This is our time of magic — creative forces echoing quill’s response to collective chaotic voice — filled with an inner knowing — life is meant to be at ease.

Enter we must — knowingly climbing into the pit of despair — keeping sacred fires lit for pilgrims seeking the warmth of another night’s shadowy moons. We return into the Valley, judging not of the wandering souls — coming hitherto free more burdening chains of bondage — tied to the machine of self-destruction.

Magic remains forever and a day — binding us to universal forces — creating a Utopian Canvas seen as fairy tales and make-believe. What used to be a questioning of self — doubting Thomas’ words of old, now an unfolding knowing of no regrets for the steps kissing mother earth.

~ Ani Po

Doing shadow work and self-discovering of truths, we come to a place of knowing. Not knowing everything, but what we know is all we need to know. Not having to know everything, but remaining steadfast in our quest at holding sacred space for the next to find their way home.

Thank you J.D. Harms for this weeks prompts, fusing the words together in hopes of sending the message clear. It is our choice to knowingly enter our own valley of death, unearthing the pain and suffering of old. Similarly, it is a choice to remain secluded in our knowing or leaving an open door for the next to enter through.

Knowingly returning to the valley of death, we hold our sacred tune to that of creative winds and mysterious projections of days unfolding song. Dancing with inspiration, fusing two as one, here are the original prompts:

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash