Moonlit Skies Energetic Pulling into Self-Knowing

Moonlit Skies Energetic Pulling into Self-knowing

Shapeshifting Animal Beings Entering Daily Life

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash


Death of a salesman — beginning of self-inflicted, wounded inner child — turning to the spirit world for guidance — assurance of a place gone mad, it is time to step into now. Self-doubt still lingering, preparatory ceremonial space opened — gaining strength for battles to come.

Prequel begins with a quiet evening to self, special elixir prepared, drank — awaiting guidance from the spirit world to commence. Whispers of animal kingdoms, plant worlds, and extraterrestrial vibratory translations into heart-song for healing self and collective at will.

Remnants of a broken child and glimpses of evil spirits once held in root centers of physical shell begin dancing with cosmic, universal whole — losing its grip on power at hand. Excised, Mongolian friends and healers are coming to Oljita’s aide, blowing smoke for clearing energies of twisted fate.

Healed, whole, holy, oneness with all there is, ready for battle, not knowing when or where the shoot-out at ok corral taking place. Armored up, with little but a word in heartfelt dragon’s breath — once feared, now tamed and trained for clearing a whole fucking battlefield.

The call comes in, MoFo Bros invitation to jam and excitement to ride the vibrations of creative forces — but here is the kicker, “a friend has asked to see you, hoping to get on a clearer path.” Agreed, accepted — ancient call to bringing the light of the first world center stage.

Photo by Piotr Makowski on Unsplash


Disarray, dissonance, and struggle between Mo and Fo, still uncertain who is who, we step into a valley of death, baron deserts wicked tongue lashing out like wounded animistic being hungry for more death consuming energetic feeding.

Cloak applied to self, drumming, tapping mighty sword along the starboard side, port side open, docking to sacred truths, holding grounds for greater forces at bay. Inward journey, holding ground for band-mates soul, feeling uneasy, restlessness and anger mounting, skinwalker or oni, malevolent nonetheless, Seidhr steps in to greet the unfriendly.

Not alone, accompanied by P’aqo, Mambo, Bagshi, Boo, Kahuna, and Wakan Tankan to boot, calling out the oni — removing claws dug so deep into the lost soul — sludge of a thousand deaths, thicker than La Brea suffering from depths of unknown.

Energy, entities hold removed, floating about with agitation and excitation for harm and malady, seeking out a vessel to live and breathe more fear into the world. Pleading case, facing evil spirit one on one, charging to go now back whence it came — Mo maybe Fo gets stabbed twice, spiking energies attacking the unfortunate bystander.

Showing our shape-shifting evil spirit in human form to the door, not knowing if it will return — band-mates integrating and discussing the last set of discord. Oljita tells the tale to one — spirit still apparent — bouncing off Mo and blasting Fo.

Crashing sounds falling upon band room, Fo falling into equipment, “Man down!” “Oh man, what just happened?” The others witness evil fleeting moments through time-lapse mystery, adjacent angelic presence flapping wings of peace and restoration upon inner walls.

Oljita departs, shaking his head to answered call, awe-inspired truths thinking aloud, “this is who I am.” Rest now, weary heads, fear not of evildoers all around, they come to the blow like the wind — no power over the forces standing at backsides of the righteous.

Photo by Hunter Harritt on Unsplash


Family disperse, call arrives from Mo, still unsure if he is Mo or Fo, “Can we meet?” Agreed upon the terms set forth by the creative winds, a perfect storm has passed, integrating sounds with streams of consciousness commencing in sacred space.

Animals gather for stories as old as time, battle of the minds, good versus evil, recalling events dating back to the beginning of stage informational tune. Peaceful, gathering bathing sounds of natural beingness — basking in openness, the oneness of all there is.

Dense fog, rolling in — mercury raising ten to twenty, sweating, mosquitoes biting at residual deliberation. Edginess returns momentarily, anger, uneasy feeling lifting Oljita to his feet. Grabbing sword, tapping sounds from spirits breath, Smokey Joe fires up a cloud greater than a nuclear explosion — covering the two in cleansing winds of ancient times, battle commences one last time.

With armies behind the mighty Oljita eradicating darkness once again, peace is restored, and they collapse into their seats, deeper into the cosmic realization that evil spirits, ghosts, malaise dissipating to unknown origin. “Whoa! That was weird,” explains Mo while Oljita begins churning a purging feeling and exploding energetic beings into mother’s bosom for digesting and transmutation of reality.

One more song, sung by warriors remaining — “we’d like to thank you for coming out to the show, hope you’d join us again for the MoFo show.” Unlike anything before — magical, enchanting sounds, stirring deeper understanding for all who come to listen, thank you for the Great Mystery empowering us all to join in the show.

The tale ending in great confidence of who Oljita has become, lingering ideas of self-doubt feeling with the darkened sludge-grappling stronghold of evil dwellers unwanted presence, returning back into oblivion.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Prideful Wishes Granted Upon the Collective

Prideful Wishes Granted Upon the Collective

An open letter to our daughter

Photo by Chris Sabor on Unsplash

This piece is an open letter to our youngest, who is a leader, free-spirited gem that has always called me out to be my authentic self. Maybe we are just mirrors of one another, complementing each other. Will we ever truly know?

Holding sacred space until it is time for your release, allowing baby Gator to grow and flourish until it is time for the spreading of your wings like the feathery friends have shown us what is naturally present. It is time for that personal journey, finding your way in this mysterious world.

For years I watched you grow, from birth to the time you charged me, reminding me of where happiness resides, “Daddy, are you happy?” Rocking me to the core, forgotten truths of a simplistic path, ways regarded by the commoners as absurd, you changed my life at that moment in time.

.As you requested, setting out on a fifteen-year renewal of self, reflecting and giving back this strength handed down by the ancients. I hold this space for now, as you set out on your journey of the self, reminding you of your sacredness honoring this and allowing your world to make manifest for that which always serves your highest good — disregarding not the lower or highest of good, for soon you will know they are born of the same tether to a greater understanding of “All there Is.”

My wish for you is this:

May you find your way, holding its sacredness amidst all the worldly chaos challenging our thoughts, altering not our steps unless necessary for stepping in and out of realities or harm’s way. For if we fall, we learn of our footing; if collapsed with gasping breath, we breathe that eternal flame ever-present whilst lifting us in our darkest of moments.

This light born unto thee, share it freely with those who need it, give effortlessly simultaneously recharging of your source energy, so every minute is witnessed as sacred — treating every breath, every word with reverence and potentiality of great utterance in any given situation. We are of Great Spirit, here to create as we see fit.

May this serve as a reminder of why we are here: to live fully engaged intuit capability and ability to connect with Great Mystery with awe and ease of everything. These words are my wish for you.

Thank you for being such a great teacher, a role model in our community. Now go and spread those wings.

Flowery dress forever imprinted on our minds — rose-colored glasses matching your personality at heights. If not for those bumps and heartaches along the way, where would we be without the challenges in our days?

Social butterfly — gathering friends from varying lands, keeping them close — tight-knit group — keeping the peace whenever you can, this is who you are. Work hard, play harder — ringing loud a clear — the time is now, setting out on your own.

Free bird, footloose, and fancy-free — armor up as to give away this strength to anyone unless by your hand. Hold those closest to you — closer than ever, holding that sacred space of self and collective knowing there is always greater.

My heart sings to all who will listen — this bird freely floating far and near. Such an example of who you are, strong, willful, loving, and indomitable spirit of all there is. Go now — move mountains!

Enormous gratitude for your presence, teachings, and you kind heart shining out into the world.

Photo by Sieuwert Otterloo on Unsplash

Last week, we helped our youngest move into her dorms of her next chapter in life. Off on her own, trailblazing her own, learning from everything and everyone around her. While there is an underlying sadness to know that your youngest has just flown the coup, it is with greater joy for her travels into new discovery of self, collective and all things marvelous.

While nothing prepares a parent for such heartache, it is with great joy knowing they are planted firmly on their own two feet. Flapping their wings for their first solo flight, watching them take off in awe and delight.

Thank you Diana C. for this upgrade in prompts, may they elevate, levitate, and open new pathways of understanding for all who enter the field of possibilities.

Today’s prompt was from this beautiful upgrade of prompts, Nothing prepares you for the ache. Thank you.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash