Both Sides of the Same Coin

Poetic response

Both Sides of the Same Coin

Choosing between right and wrong

Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

“At the level of humanness, we see right and wrong as guide markers. At what point or level do we no longer see right and wrong?”

At first glance, we tiff with a cat, not so cool at that
fighting over the day to day monstrosities creating man
gender neutrality name is given above, and plural sense, all thereof
defining moments of love and despair, conceptually foreign to the aware.

Step back, maybe two, two sides to every coin presenting a choice
between heads or tails, positive or negative, divine dichotomies ever-present
chosen one-sided, always given names as boldly placed upon one’s tomb
from death do us part, intrinsic beliefs until forgotten way comes forth.

Further back we go, time centuries passing by, maybe to the moon
or nearby planetary alignment, sitting upon a star gazing
downward earthly appearance as miraculous than ever —
not seen up close, but farther back we go.

Yin within the yang and yang within the yin, sacred feminine within the masculine and vice versa per se. Accepting the whole as dichotomies fusing realities of future tense, past participle, present be — at the moment holding joy and sorrow in each hand.

Pleasure bodies becoming painfully absorbed by good equally bad memories, thought processes turning sad into happy. Splitting magnetic poles yielding mini versions, pulling forces — negative to positively and back again guilty one choosing dichotomy feeling right or wrong to the touch — heartfelt guidance never fails.

Surrounded by heaven and hell, story-lines truth-telling secrets hidden in plain sight, human-made conceptual design of dividing and conquering a fear of self-made god or goddess — love pouring from our souls.

Black or white as taught by our generations, further back yet, ancestral knowledge coming to fruition, greyer than anything dissolving the idea of binary poles have equal or lesser value. Purpose of One is the purpose of all.

~Ani Po

Photo by Margot RICHARD on Unsplash

This prompt idea has been on my mind for quite some time, organically forming a discussion with my Uncle. He began pointing out Evil Spirits in the world, especially about certain individuals we both know. Being taught good and evil, pondering that internal moral compass that often leads the way, I am reminded of Einstein being quoted “I want to think as God thinks.”

Pondering this, observing the current state of America, the world, my home town, my familial setting, pretty much everything around me, what if it is all as it is supposed to be. Two sides to the same coin, the yin within the yang?

Expanding my consciousness to viewing from space, observing the world. What a beautiful world we live in and how different it would be missing anything from the mix of divine dichotomies.

Asking my Uncle, what if there is no good or bad, merely circumstances which yield equal consequences upon self? Meaning, what if with every action there is a counteraction? Cause and effect?

Smiling as he asked, then what is it?

You just said it. It Is. It just is.

I know we had discussed this on Know Thyself Heal Thyself before, or at least alluded to there being a right or wrong answer. There “Just Is.” What if it goes beyond words on a publication wall? What if it is greater than self? What if we come to a place of knowing It just is?


Granted, I am not trying to denounce the evil in the world or praise the good. I am merely inviting an observation of sorts on both sides of the coin, remaining balanced with all energies. Is our elevation of frequencies the welcoming of “all” within the all?

Denouncing labels and all things associated with, we come to simpler terms: he fell into a bad way, unfortunate circumstance, he is receiving what he puts out; the rewards are unfolding for this person, they are a creative soul, they are an inspiring nature. Explaining through a circumstance versus a belief of one thing is this or that — instead, they just are.

What if our understanding is turned upside down? What if we now see from different angles? Was our previous belief false? Or was it merely true to our understanding?

I invite you to share your thoughts on this prompt. Please feel free to tag me when you do.

At the level of humaness, we see right and wrong as guide markers. At what point or level do we no longer see right and wrong?”

Thank you Diana C. for holding such a great space for all.

When I came up with the above prompt, it was clear where my mind was (at least I think so). Take a look at this piece, as I feel it could be paralleled in thought while inviting us to further our journey inward. Deep diving into self, discovering yet more truths hidden from us before.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Intimacy: Two hearts beat as one

A poem — GiaB prompt #22 intimacy

Intimacy: Two hearts beat as one

Individual journey from separateness to wholeness

In the beginning, rose an unbreakable bond
the invisible thread of webs intertwining
encompassing millions of eons, spatially translucent.

Honeymoon and laying of stone, foundational mortise
special joiners and woven weavers, magical moments
created by opposites recognizable whole.

Different worlds, planetary alignment maintaining
a beat of own drum — rolling through the meadows
whistling tunes handed down by generational gaps
skipping seven generations.

Ebbs-flowing in a natural deluge, illusory harmonious
discorded moments transpiring lacking complete understanding — deeper
layered realities existing in every single atom.

Separating trails vastly creating a great divide followed by
colliding forces, intertwining splashing soul’s variant
elixir of life-altering memories embodied extant.

Flesh to flesh, dancing molecular salivary essence
co-mingling wandering paths crisscrossing wonderment
gifts are receiving beneficiary nod to poly-rhythmic sounds.

Dropping beats, playing out until the decaying song
serving erstwhile effortless shift — occasional trips
skidding knees attending to wounds new melody.

Deeper into the vortex, voided truths mastered thought
levied breaking down hardcore cosmic spinning — lost
unspoken infallibility heart-wrenching birthing of ancient text
written corpuscles floating unwavering patterns of life.

Stripping of the meat-skin and all, invisible beings becoming,
joining eternally — bonding resources, gathering new possibilities,
relearning to unknowing what is and what may be forever
certifying a profound entanglement with The All.

~Ani Po

Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

Nearly thirty years together, two individuals are passing through various stages of life while birthing and raising two amazing individuals requiring twenty-four-seven moments of their time.

Lost amidst their company, levy breaking out from under the ground they stand in a time of re-inventing or moving on.

Choosing the preceding, after one of them sifting through their rubble of past, while the other remains scared stiff from moving beyond the familiarity of what life currently offers, they divide and conquer as familiarly adapting to unknown chapters of self and the collective of the presence of each other.

With a willingness to let go of the other so that they may find what they are looking for, a new level of intimacy (into me see)that is far deeper than any textbook can offer. Carlos Vettorazzi offers a detailed understanding of the layers associated with diving deeper into self-understanding, further developing a deeper bond between others.

Allowing the other person to go and find their way, holding space for the healing of self, without interjecting our agenda of what healing may look like, makes room for a deeper intimacy to form. Beyond the physical remains a deeper connection of two souls waiting to be discovered.

Congratulations to those who’ve arrived in this land of understanding, dissolving truths of what we thought to be true, allowing two hearts to forever beat as one.

Thank you to Orla Kenny for this invitation to dive into intimacy at deeper levels of understanding and thank you to the whole Genius in a bottle team for allowing my words to land a place for others to read.

Original prompt

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash