Forty Days Forty Nights


Forty Days

Forty nights

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Into the desert I go, with a slivering moon’s call to contemplation — deep contemplation of the past, present and future holds.

Recalling a time when I didn’t know, before the time of knowing everything. Now for certain, without a doubt — knowing nothing, not even where I rest my head.

The heart knows, into the flow enters clear — hummingbirds visit amidst the ravens and crows. Raging heat of desert sand by waking light into the fortnight of passing moon.

Once broken, flat-lined and unable to lift even a mug. Now eager as the…

Second last day
Antepenultimate-third last

Into the darkness, we traveled free
Passers-by wanting to flee

Is this the end of a glorious chapter?
Masked by a shit show of events

Again, we sit, pondering the motions of the ocean
Arduous journey at the foothold of another

Omega to the end
Alpha begins anew

Today marks the third of the last
Tomorrow the second

Happy are we
They to me

~Ani Po

Thank you Blue Insights, editing staff Thomas Plummer, Francine Fallara, Victoria Ponte, Gurpreet Dhariwal, David Rudder, Pablo Pereyra, et el and all who come to support this space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Paralleled Universe Comes Alive

Paralleled Universe Comes Alive

Blissful nothingness to cosmic orgasmic flight

Photo taken by Author

If anything, these past thirteen weeks have brought — is peace to my days — trading chaotic form to joyful melodies filled with laughter and self-free-giving — infinite love to those filling my seconds.

Quieter and quieter becoming — curiouser and curiouser quoted snippets of understanding deep within my soul.

Each new day — perplexed by the length of my thoughts — I witnessed the tug-of-war playing in my mind. Silence goes the tuba’s bellowing fear — pain’s affliction lost in a time not far away — present becoming evermore present with every releasing breath.

Quieter and quieter becoming — curiouser and curiouser quoted snippets of understanding deep within my soul.

Throwing in the towel — quill’s eagerness lessoning our pull — merely present are we — songs glistening of nothingness and everything all the same.

Paralleled by the thoughts floating at our window pains — twinkling in the eyes deepest of glares. An emptiness fills with fullness — paradoxical moments reserved for the quieted mindful sages’ annihilation of given pathways to how it is supposed to be.

Quieter and quieter becoming — curiouser and curiouser quoted snippets of understanding deep within my soul.

Quoting Jared from the pretender — pretending to be something more than what the world asks them to be — becoming who and what the day requires him to be.

It truly is a game of play — no longer playing with the others in the big box of sand — creating a space for self to revisit, recreate, and rediscover. How one plays in this game is set anew — the choice depends on the song left to sing.

Quieter and quieter becoming — curiouser and curiouser quoted snippets of understanding deep within my soul.

Paralleled Universe comes alive — blissful nothingness to cosmic orgasmic flight — we are becoming.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Thomas Plummer, David Rudder, Francine Fallara –, Gurpreet Dhariwal, Rita Duponty, and all editing staff for hosting these words.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash