I am beginning to understand things with such clarity. Just coming back from a funeral today, where I began to feel a sea of emotions fill the room. Instinctively I began to keep time, passing energy and healing broken threads to all existence.
My sister-in-law, a woman of great faith, loses her Mother but gains much wisdom with her passing. As I witness this, I am left witnessing wisdom filling within me as well. Tears begin to flow, but I come to understand that throughout my life they were not my own but tears of humanity. Is it possible that we are merely here to correct he broken threads to our Brothers and Sisters?
Jesus spoke of this and so did Buddha, but who are we to think that we have this gift? I say to you now, Who are we not?! I began tapping, humming, singing quietly under my breath, as I did when I was younger.
It is not the breath of self, but the breath of our Brother that we give life.~Ani Po
When I was younger, I used to sing in the choir, often singing at funerals. Never knowing the deceased, but feeling such sadness and joy simultaneously. As I sang, the Holy Spirit began singing through me…filling my body with Spirit…becoming an extension of, then becoming one with Spirit. I forgot how to be in these moments, but Peru reminded me of who I was and what I am here to do. Just as I am here, so are you…to Mend the Broken Threads that bind us all…returning to All is Good.
When I left the funeral I called my friend to thank him for giving me the nudge, thanking him for reminding me to sing. Sadly, I have forgotten the songs that once sang from my lips, but happily report that it is not the words that matter but the vibration that is sung. So the journey continues and contemplation of the next steps, looking to Spirit…keep giving me bits and pieces, invoking memories of what once were and what they shall be.
Stepping into the Canvas, taking another turn.Turning to the unknown once again…I find myself no longer alone, but at peace, whole and ready to learn and grow with clearer understanding of what will be.
Have a glorious day…blessings of gratitude as we are healed.

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